
DEClipse is an Eclipse plug-in whose purpose is to support graphical design and provide a user-friendly interface for verifying CLIMB models. It relies on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) for the management of involved models, and on the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) as supporting layer for the graphical editor.

In particular, both metamodels of extended DecSerFlow and SCIFF have been specified in terms of Ecore EMF models. In this way, it is possible to exploit model-to-model transformation techniques to automatically map the designed graphical model onto the underlying CLIMB formalization.
To concretely realize this task, we are investigating the adoption of the ATLAS M2M transformation toolkit, which is able to transform an Ecore model onto another one giving a set of declarative transformation rules, specified on metamodels). In our case, such rules simply represent how the different graphical constraints are formalized in terms of SCIFF rules.