

M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, G. Berio, A. Martelli, V. Patti, M.L. Sapino, C. Schifanella, M. Alberti, M. Gavanelli, E. Lamma, F. Riguzzi, S. Storari, F. Chesani, A. Ciampolini, P. Mello, M. Montali, P. Torroni, A. Bottrighi, G. Casella, L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, V. Mascardi, G. Pozzato, P. Terenziani, and D. Theseider Dupre. Web service-oriented modeling, verification and reasoning techniques. To appear in Intelligenza Artificiale, 2008.


Federico Chesani,Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, and Sergio Storari. Conformance Checking of Cancer-Screening Careflows: an Approach based on Computational Logic. Book chapter of Computer-based medical guidelines and protocols: A primer and current trends, edited by Annette ten Teije, Silvia Miksch, Peter Lucas. IOS Press. To appear.

Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Sergio Storari. Inducing Declarative Logic-based Models from Labeled Traces. In M. Rosemann, and M. Dumas, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2007). Brisbane, Australia, September 24-27 2007. LNCS 4714, pp. 344 - 359. ISSN: 0302-9743

Federico Chesani, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, and Sergio Storari. Agent Societies and Service Choreographies: a Declarative Approach to Specification and Verification. In M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and V. Patti, International Workshop on Agents, Web-Service, and Ontologies Integrated Methodologies (AWESOME’007). Federated workshop of MALLOW’007: Multi-Agent Logics, Languages and Organizations. Durham, UK, September 4-7 2007 (online proceedings on the Workshop web site).

Volha Bryl, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, Paolo Torroni and Nicola Zannone. B-Tropos: Agent-oriented requirements engineering meets computational logic for declarative business process modelling and verification. In F. Sadri and K. Satoh, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA-VIII), Porto, Portugal, September 11-12, 2007. Based on a presentation given at the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC), held in Messina, Italy, on June 21-22, 2007 (online proceedings on the CILC 2007 web site).

Federico Chesani, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, and Sergio Storari. Testing Careflow Testing Careflow Process Execution Conformance by Translating a Graphical Language to Computational Logic. In R. Bellazzi, A. Abu-Hanna, J. Hunter eds., Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'07). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7-11 July 2007. LNAI. Springer-Verlag, 2007.

Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Sergio Storari. Learning DecSerFlow Models from Labeled Traces. In W. Bridewell, L. Todorovoski, S. Kramer, 1st International Workshop on the Induction of Process Models (in conjunction with ICML 2007). Corvallis OR, USA, June 20-24 2007 (online proceedings on the Workshop web site).

Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, and Paolo Torroni. A Rule-based Approach for Reasoning about Collaboration between Smart Web Services. In M. Marchiori, J. Z. Pan, and C. de Sainte Marie, eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR'07). Innsbruck, Austria, 7-8 June 2007. LNAI 4524, pp. 279-288. Springer Verlag, 2007.

Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, and Paolo Torroni. Web Service Contracting: specification and reasoning with SCIFF. In E. Franconi, M. Kifer, and W. May, eds., Proceedings of the 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'06). Innsbruck, Austria, 3-7 June 2007. LNAI 4519, pp. 68-83. Springer-Verlag, 2007.


Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Evelina Lamma, Marco Gavanelli, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, Sergio Storari, and Paolo Torroni. Computational logic for run-time verification of web services choreographies: exploiting the SOCS-SI tool. In Mario Bravetti, Manuel Núñez, and Gianluigi Zavattaro, eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM'06). Vienna, Austria, 8-9 September 2006. LNAI 4184, pp. 58-72. © Springer-Verlag, 2006. ISBN 3-540-38862-1.

Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Evelina Lamma, Marco Gavanelli, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, and Paolo Torroni. Policy-based reasoning for smart web service interaction. In Axel Polleres, Stefan Decker, Gopal Gupta, and Jos de Bruijn, eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS 2006). Seattle, WA, USA, 16 August 2006. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 196, pp. 87-102. ISSN 1613-0073.

Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Marco Montali. An abductive framework for a-priori verification of web services. In M. Maher, ed., Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming. Venice, Italy, July 2006. ACM Press, 2006. ISBN 1-59593-388-3.