10-15 April 2011
University Residential Center
Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy
Computational Logic has many applications including the modeling of intelligent systems, verification of software, and the support of systems for solving computationally hard problems. Moreover, being founded on mathematical logic, tools based on CL are themselves amenable to safe optimization and verification techniques.
ISCL 2011 builds on the success of 6 schools organized by GULP, the Italian Association for Logic Programming. GULP, founded in 1985, is a non-profit organization which is in charge of organizing the Italian Conference on Computational Logic. ISCL 2011 is the result of a partnership between GULP and ALP, the Association for Logic Programing. It aims at giving a comprehensive introduction to this exciting research domain and disseminate the results of research with a perspective on the future.
We are proud to provide a rich programme of lectures on different aspects of CL; covering both the theoretical framework and relevant practical perspectives, techniques and tools. Each lecture will provide the basic notions of its topic before proceeding to more advanced issues. Final exams in the topics studied will be available to participants on request.
The School targets graduate students as well as other interested researchers, both from university and from industry. It will allow graduate students to get a thorough overview of cutting-edge research and technologies, obtain feedback from leading scientists, and to participate in valuable discussions that will likely contribute in shaping and focussing their research interests.
The school aims to be truly international with a strong participation from regions all around the world. This will help students make connections with international participants and set the base for potentially long-term cooperations.
Thanks to the generous support of the Artificial Intelligence Journal, the Association for Logic Programming, the Italian Association for Logic Programming, the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, the British Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence and SICStus Prolog, ISCL 2011 is proud to help the participation of students at all levels.
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