Class IlcActivity

Definition file: ilsched/schedule.h
Include file: <ilsched/ilsched.h>

The class IlcActivity is the class for managing activities.

Activities can be linked together by precedence constraints (instances of the class IlcPrecedenceConstraint). Activities can be linked to resources by resource constraints (instances of the class IlcResourceConstraint). Activities can also be constrained temporally by instances of the class IlcTimeBoundConstraint.

Calendars, Processing Time, and Duration

In most of the cases, the four variables defining an activity are linked through the following relation: start+duration==end. Also, as the processing time corresponds to the nominal duration of the activity, duration==processingTime. Nevertheless, when calendars are defined, the activity duration can be greater than the nominal one due to break suspensions or efficiency. So the duration of an activity depends on the nominal duration and its ability to deal with breaks, isBreakable, and with efficiency, useEfficiency. Such abilities are defined by the IlcActivity constructor arguments breakable and useEfficiency.

Notice that a breakable activity can only be suspended by breaks; it cannot be suspended to execute another activity.

For a given instance of a breakable activity, some breaks may be allowed to suspend the activity while others may not. A break is said to be disjunctive with respect to a breakable activity if the activity cannot be suspended by that break—that is, the activity must be processed either before the break or after it.

By default, only the breaks with a duration equal to zero are considered as disjunctive.

The notion of a start (end) break overlap variable allows expression of the fact that an activity can start (finish) the processing inside some special breaks—called possibly overlapped breaks—and allows posting of constraints on possible overlap duration.

Restrictions with the use of break overlap variables on activities:

In order to model more efficiently disjuntive behaviors and forbidden dates, it is possible to use shift objects IlcShiftObject attached to an IlcCalendar. Shifts can be represented directly in intention by the user or in extension using an IlcIntervalList. Using interval types, activity can ignore some breaks or shifts.

Detecting Inconsistencies

When changing the domain of a start time variable, an end time variable, a duration variable, or a processing time variable, Scheduler Engine will detect an inconsistency if a changed domain directly conflicts with temporal constraints and with the resource constraints of activities with fixed (instantiated) start and end times and processing time.

Scheduler Engine may or may not detect the inconsistency if the changed domain conflicts with the temporal and resource constraints associated with unscheduled activities, that is, activities for which the start and end times and/or the processing time are not instantiated yet.

Consuming Resources

An activity consumes a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the activity and the capacity is non-recoverable, that is, the capacity is required from the beginning of the activity up to the end of time.

Producing and Consuming Reservoirs

An activity produces if some amount of the reservoir capacity is made available through the execution of the activity.

Time Extents

By default, an activity uses a resource from the activity's start time to its end time. However, it is possible to specify that a resource is used during a time range different from the default "start to end" range. The enumeration IlcTimeExtent is defined for this purpose.

Alternative Resource Set

When the member functions IlcActivity::consumes and IlcActivity::requires take the argument IlcAltResSet, all the resources in the set must be capacity resources. When the member functions IlcActivity::produces and IlcActivity::provides take the argument IlcAltResSet, all the resources in the set must be reservoirs.

Functional and Integral Constraints and External Variables

Functional and integral constraints are constraints of the form y_rct=f(x_rct) or y_rct=sum{start_rct->end_rct}f(t).dt that hold for every resource constraints rct on a given resource (see Functional and Integral Constraints on Resources.

External variables are useful in case some variable x_rct or y_rct above is not a variable already associated with the resource constraint (start, end, processing time of the activity, capacity demand, etc.). In that case, member functions on IlcActivity allow setting a given Solver variable as as external variable of the activity and use it in the functional/integral constraint (see the enumeration IlcSchedVariable).

Printing or Displaying Activities

The printed representation of an instance of the class IlcActivity consists of two parts: its name, followed by information about the start time, end time, duration, and if appropriate, the processing time of the activity.

This information is enclosed in brackets and for each of the four variables, consists of either a single value (if the start time, end time, or duration is precisely known) or a minimal value and a maximal value separated by two dots. The following examples represent activities that have not been suspended by breaks:

[2 -- 3 --> 5] represents an activity which starts at 2 and ends at 5. The duration of this activity is 3.

[2 -- 3..5 --> 5..7] represents an activity which starts at 2 and ends sometime between 5 and 7. The duration of this activity is between 3 and 5.

[2..4 -- 3 --> 5..7] represents an activity of duration 3 which starts sometime between 2 and 4 and ends sometime between 5 and 7.

The following examples represent activities that have been suspended by breaks:

[2 -- (2) 3 --> 5] represents an activity which starts at 2 and ends at 5. The processing time of this activity is 2. Its duration is 3. Such situation can appears with calendars when breaks or efficiency ar used. For instance, a break of duration 1 is situated between 2 and 5, or an efficiency function with value 2/3 between 2 and 5.

[5 -- (3..5) 3..6 --> 8..11] represents an activity of processing time between 3 and 5 and duration between 3 and 6; it starts at 5 and ends sometime between 8 and 11.

[10..30 -- (5) (5..15) --> 15..45] represents an activity of processing time 5 and duration between 5 and 15; it starts sometime between 10 and 30 and ends sometime between 15 and 45.

For more information, see Calendars, Precedence Graph Constraints, and Functional and Integral Constraints on Resources.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
public IlcActivity()
public IlcActivity(IlcActivityI * impl)
public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcInt processingTime, IlcBool breakable=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)
public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcIntVar processingTimeVariable, IlcBool breakable=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)
public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcIntVar startVariable, IlcIntVar endVariable, IlcIntVar processingTimeVariable, IlcBool breakable=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)
public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcIntVar startVariable, IlcIntVar endVariable, IlcIntVar processingTimeVariable, IlcIntVar durationVariable, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)
Method Summary
public voidaddDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)
public voidaddDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcInt type)
public voidaddEndBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)
public voidaddEndBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)
public voidaddIgnoredBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)
public voidaddIgnoredBreakType(IlcInt type)
public voidaddIgnoredShiftType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)
public voidaddIgnoredShiftType(IlcInt type)
public voidaddStartBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)
public voidaddStartBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)
public IlcBoolcanBeSuspendedAtEnd() const
public IlcBoolcanBeSuspendedAtStart() const
public IlcAltResConstraintconsumes(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcAltResConstraintconsumes(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcResourceConstraintconsumes(IlcCapResource resource, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcResourceConstraintconsumes(IlcCapResource resource, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcConstraintcovers(IlcActivityArray actAr)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintendsAfter(IlcIntVar time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintendsAfter(IlcInt time)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintendsAt(IlcIntVar time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintendsAt(IlcInt time)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintendsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintendsBefore(IlcIntVar time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintendsBefore(IlcInt time)
public IlcIntgetDurationMax() const
public IlcIntgetDurationMaxNormalBreaks() const
public IlcIntgetDurationMin() const
public IlcIntgetDurationMinNormalBreaks() const
public IlcIntVargetDurationVariable() const
public IlcIntgetEndBreakOverlapMax() const
public IlcIntgetEndBreakOverlapMin() const
public IlcIntVargetEndBreakOverlapVariable() const
public IlcIntgetEndMax() const
public IlcIntgetEndMin() const
public IlcIntVargetEndVariable() const
public IlcIntgetExecutionDurationMin() const
public IlcIntVargetExternalVar() const
public IlcIntgetExternalVarMax() const
public IlcIntgetExternalVarMin() const
public IlcActivityI *getImpl() const
public const char *getName() const
public IlcAnygetObject() const
public IlcIntgetProcessingTimeMax() const
public IlcIntgetProcessingTimeMin() const
public IlcIntVargetProcessingTimeVariable() const
public IlcSchedulegetSchedule() const
public IloSolvergetSolver() const
public IloSolverI *getSolverI() const
public IlcIntgetStartBreakOverlapMax() const
public IlcIntgetStartBreakOverlapMin() const
public IlcIntVargetStartBreakOverlapVariable() const
public IlcIntgetStartMax() const
public IlcIntgetStartMin() const
public IlcIntVargetStartVariable() const
public IlcIntgetTransitionType() const
public IlcBoolhasEndBreakOverlapVariable() const
public IlcBoolhasStartBreakOverlapVariable() const
public IlcBoolisBreakable() const
public IlcBoolisDirectlySucceededBy(IlcActivity) const
public IlcBoolisDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcInt type) const
public IlcBoolisExternalVarBound() const
public IlcBoolisIgnoredBreakType(IlcInt type) const
public IlcBoolisIgnoredShiftType(IlcInt type) const
public IlcBoolisPostponed() const
public IlcBoolisPostponedBackward() const
public IlcBoolisRanked() const
public IlcBoolisSucceededBy(IlcActivity) const
public IlcBooloperator!=(const IlcActivity & activity) const
public voidoperator=(const IlcActivity & h)
public IlcBooloperator==(const IlcActivity & activity) const
public voidpostpone()
public voidpostponeBackward()
public IlcAltResConstraintproduces(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcAltResConstraintproduces(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcResourceConstraintproduces(IlcContinuousReservoir resource, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcResourceConstraintproduces(IlcContinuousReservoir resource, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcResourceConstraintproduces(IlcReservoir resource, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcResourceConstraintproduces(IlcReservoir resource, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcAltResConstraintprovides(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public IlcAltResConstraintprovides(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public IlcResourceConstraintprovides(IlcReservoir resource, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public IlcResourceConstraintprovides(IlcReservoir resource, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public voidremoveDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)
public voidremoveDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcInt type)
public voidremoveEndBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)
public voidremoveEndBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)
public voidremoveIgnoredBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)
public voidremoveIgnoredBreakType(IlcInt type)
public voidremoveIgnoredShiftType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)
public voidremoveIgnoredShiftType(IlcInt type)
public voidremoveStartBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)
public voidremoveStartBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySetVar states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySet states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnyVar state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAny state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcAltResConstraintrequires(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcAltResConstraintrequires(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequires(IlcCapResource resource, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequires(IlcCapResource resource, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySetVar states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySet states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnyVar state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraintrequiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAny state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public voidsetDuration(IlcInt duration)
public voidsetDurationMax(IlcInt durationMax)
public voidsetDurationMaxNormalBreaks(IlcInt duration)
public voidsetDurationMin(IlcInt durationMin)
public voidsetDurationMinNormalBreaks(IlcInt duration)
public voidsetEndBreakOverlap(IlcInt overlap)
public voidsetEndBreakOverlapMax(IlcInt overlapMax)
public voidsetEndBreakOverlapMin(IlcInt overlapMin)
public voidsetEndBreakOverlapVariable(IlcIntVar overlapVariable)
public voidsetEndMax(IlcInt endMax)
public voidsetEndMin(IlcInt endMin)
public voidsetEndTime(IlcInt endTime)
public voidsetExecutionDurationMin(IlcInt)
public voidsetExternalValue(IlcInt)
public voidsetExternalVar(IlcIntVar)
public voidsetExternalVarMax(IlcInt)
public voidsetExternalVarMin(IlcInt)
public voidsetName(const char * name) const
public voidsetObject(IlcAny object) const
public voidsetProcessingTime(IlcInt processingTime)
public voidsetProcessingTimeMax(IlcInt processingTimeMax)
public voidsetProcessingTimeMin(IlcInt processingTimeMin)
public voidsetStartBreakOverlap(IlcInt overlap)
public voidsetStartBreakOverlapMax(IlcInt overlapMax)
public voidsetStartBreakOverlapMin(IlcInt overlapMin)
public voidsetStartBreakOverlapVariable(IlcIntVar overlapVariable)
public voidsetStartMax(IlcInt startMax)
public voidsetStartMin(IlcInt startMin)
public voidsetStartTime(IlcInt startTime)
public voidsetSuccessor(IlcActivity ct)
public voidsetTransitionType(IlcInt value)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintstartsAfter(IlcIntVar time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintstartsAfter(IlcInt time)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintstartsAt(IlcIntVar time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintstartsAt(IlcInt time)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraintstartsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintstartsBefore(IlcIntVar time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraintstartsBefore(IlcInt time)
public voidunsetSuccessor(IlcActivity ct)
public IlcBooluseEfficiency() const
Constructor Detail


public IlcActivity()
This constructor creates an empty handle. You must initialize it before you use it.


public IlcActivity(IlcActivityI * impl)
This constructor creates a handle object from a pointer to an implementation object.


public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcInt processingTime, IlcBool breakable=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)

This constructor creates a new instance of IlcActivity and adds it to the activities managed in the given schedule. The new activity is constrained to execute sometime between the time origin and the time horizon of the schedule. Its processing time is set to the given processingTime. If the value of the argument breakable is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is a breakable activity; that is, an activity that can be suspended by breaks. Otherwise and by default, the activity is a non-breakable activity. The arguments mayBeSuspendedAtStart and mayBeSuspendedAtEnd are relevant for breakable activities only. They tell whether the activity can be suspended at its start or end time. If the value of the argument useEfficiency is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is able to deal with efficiency functions defined on required resources. See Calendars for more information.


public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcIntVar processingTimeVariable, IlcBool breakable=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)

This constructor creates a new instance of IlcActivity and adds it to the activities managed in the given schedule. The new activity is constrained to execute sometime between the time origin and the time horizon of the schedule. Its processing time variable is given by the argument processingTimeVariable. If the value of the argument breakable is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is a breakable activity, that is, an activity that can be suspended by breaks. Otherwise and by default, the activity is a non-breakable activity. The arguments mayBeSuspendedAtStart and mayBeSuspendedAtEnd are relevant for breakable activities only. They tell whether the activity can be suspended at its start or end time. If the value of the argument useEfficiency is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is able to deal with efficiency functions defined on required resources. See Calendars for more information.


public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcIntVar startVariable, IlcIntVar endVariable, IlcIntVar processingTimeVariable, IlcBool breakable=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)

This constructor creates a new instance of IlcActivity and adds it to the activities managed in the given schedule. The new activity is created with the start, end and processing time variables given as arguments. If the value of the argument breakable is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is a breakable activity, that is, an activity that can be suspended by breaks. Otherwise and by default, the activity is a non-breakable activity. The arguments mayBeSuspendedAtStart and mayBeSuspendedAtEnd are relevant for breakable activities only. They tell whether the activity can be suspended at its start or end time. If the value of the argument useEfficiency is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is able to deal with efficiency functions defined on required resources. See Calendars for more information.


public IlcActivity(const IlcSchedule schedule, IlcIntVar startVariable, IlcIntVar endVariable, IlcIntVar processingTimeVariable, IlcIntVar durationVariable, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtStart=IlcFalse, IlcBool mayBeSuspendedAtEnd=IlcFalse, IlcBool useEfficiency=IlcFalse)

This constructor creates a new instance of IlcActivity and adds it to the activities managed in the given schedule. The new activity is breakable. Its start, end, processing time and duration variables are given as arguments. The arguments mayBeSuspendedAtStart and mayBeSuspendedAtEnd tell whether the activity can be suspended at its start or end time. If the value of the argument useEfficiency is equal to IlcTrue, then the created activity is able to deal with efficiency functions defined on required resources. See Calendars for more information.

Method Detail


public void addDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)

This member function adds the set of types setOfTypes to the set of disjunctive break types of the invoking activity. If a break type belongs to the set of disjunctive break types of a breakable activity, the activity must be completely processed either before or after that type of break.

Initially, a breakable activity is created with an empty set of disjunctive break types.


public void addDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcInt type)

This member function adds the type type to the set of disjunctive break types of the invoking activity. If a break type belongs to the set of disjunctive break types of a breakable activity, the activity must be completely processed either before or after that type of break.

Initially, a breakable activity is created with an empty set of disjunctive break types.


public void addEndBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the end of the activity. This member function adds type to this set of break types on the invoking activity. By default, the set is empty.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called within a goal.


public void addEndBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the end of the activity. This member function adds the types in typeSet to this set of break types on the invoking activity. By default, the set is empty.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called within a goal.


public void addIgnoredBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)

This member function adds the set of types setOfTypes to the set of ignored break types of the invoking activity. That is, the invoking activity behaves as if breaks of type included in setOfTypes never exist.

Initially, an activity is created with an empty set of ignored break types.


public void addIgnoredBreakType(IlcInt type)

This member function adds the type type to the set of ignored break types of the invoking activity. That is, the invoking activity behaves as if breaks of type type never exist.

Initially, an activity is created with an empty set of ignored break types.


public void addIgnoredShiftType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)

This member function adds the set of types setOfTypes to the set of ignored shift types of the invoking activity. That is, the invoking activity behaves as if shifts of type included in setOfTypes never exist.

Initially, an activity is created with an empty set of ignored shift types.


public void addIgnoredShiftType(IlcInt type)

This member function adds the type type to the set of ignored shift types of the invoking activity. That is, the invoking activity behaves as if shifts of type type never exist.

Initially, an activity is created with an empty set of ignored shift types.


public void addStartBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the start of the activity. This member function adds type to this set of break types on the invoking activity. By default, the set is empty.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called within a goal.


public void addStartBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the start of the activity. This member function adds the types in typeSet to this set of break types on the invoking activity. By default, the set is empty.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called within a goal.


public IlcBool canBeSuspendedAtEnd() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity can be suspended at the end of the activity. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.


public IlcBool canBeSuspendedAtStart() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity can be suspended at the start of the activity. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.


public IlcResourceConstraint consumes(IlcCapResource resource, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcAltResConstraint consumes(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcAltResConstraint consumes(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcResourceConstraint consumes(IlcCapResource resource, IlcIntVar capacity)

An activity consumes a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the activity and the capacity is non-recoverable after the end of the activity. For example, an activity might consume a raw material in manufacturing a product. If the resource is discrete (class IlcDiscreteResource, IlcReservoir, or IlcDiscreteEnergy), the activity requires the capacity at all times after the activity's start time. The corresponding member function implies that the occupancy of the resource by the activity is rounded inward toward the nearest valid time that corresponds to a time step.

These two expressions are equivalent: activity.consumes(reservoir, capacity); and activity.requires(reservoir, capacity, IlcAfterStart);

If the resource is a continuous reservoir (class IlcContinuousReservoir), the consumption is continuous and linear from the start time to the end time of the invoking activity. Since the time step of a timetable for a continuous reservoir is 1, the returned resource constraint has no inward/outward rounding mode. Its time extent is not defined as it does not match any case of the enumeration IlcTimeExtent.

If the invoking activity consumes a resource in set, the consumption will be discrete if the selected resource is an instance of IlcDiscreteResource, IlcReservoir, or IlcDiscreteEnergy. It will be continuous if the selected resource is an instance of IlcContinuousReservoir. An instance of IloSolver::SolverErrorException is thrown if either the capacity is a strictly negative integer or if the capacity is a constrained integer variable with a strictly negative minimal value.


public IlcConstraint covers(IlcActivityArray actAr)

This member function creates a cover constraint. This constraint states that the start time of the invoking activity is equal to the earliest of the start times of the activities in the array given as argument, and that the end time of the invoking activity is equal to the latest of the end times of the activities in the array given as argument. In other words, the invoking activity exactly covers the activities in the array given as argument.


public IlcTimeBoundConstraint endsAfter(IlcInt time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraint endsAfter(IlcIntVar time)

This member function states that the invoking activity must end after or at time. More formally, act.endsAfter(time) means end(act) >= time.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that the invoking activity ends after the end of act. In addition, at least the given delay must elapse between the end of act and the end of the invoking activity.

The member function can be invoked with a negative delay, which means that the invoking activity can end before the end of act, but the difference between the end time of act and the end time of the invoking activity cannot exceed -delay.

More formally, act1.endsAfterEnd(act, delay) means end(act1) >= end(act) + delay.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that the invoking activity ends after the beginning of act. In addition, at least the given delay must elapse between the beginning of act and the end of the invoking activity.

The member function can be invoked with a negative delay, which means that the invoking activity can end before the beginning of act, but the difference between the start time of act and the end time of the invoking activity cannot exceed -delay.

More formally, act1.endsAfterStart(act, delay) means end(act1) >= start(act) + delay.


public IlcTimeBoundConstraint endsAt(IlcInt time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraint endsAt(IlcIntVar time)

This member function states that the invoking activity must end at time. More formally, act.endsAt(time) means end(act) == time.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that exactly the given delay must elapse between the end of act and the end of the invoking activity. More formally, act1.endsAtEnd(act, delay) means end(act1) == end(act) + delay.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint endsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that exactly the given delay must elapse between the beginning of act and the end of the invoking activity. More formally, act1.endsAtStart(act, delay) means end(act1) == start(act) + delay.


public IlcTimeBoundConstraint endsBefore(IlcInt time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraint endsBefore(IlcIntVar time)

This member function states that the invoking activity must end before or at time. More formally, act.endsBefore(time) means end(act) <= time.


public IlcInt getDurationMax() const

This member function returns the longest possible duration of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getDurationMaxNormalBreaks() const

This member function returns the threshold duration above which all breaks are, by default, considered as disjunctive. The default value is IlcIntMax.


public IlcInt getDurationMin() const

This member function returns the shortest possible duration of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getDurationMinNormalBreaks() const

This member function returns the threshold duration under which all breaks are considered as disjunctive. By default, the value of this minimal duration is 1 so that only the breaks with null duration are considered as disjunctive.


public IlcIntVar getDurationVariable() const

This member function returns the Solver variable that represents the duration of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getEndBreakOverlapMax() const

This member function returns the maximal value of the end break overlap variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getEndBreakOverlapMin() const

This member function returns the minimal value of the end break overlap variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcIntVar getEndBreakOverlapVariable() const

This member function returns the end break overlap variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getEndMax() const

This member function returns the latest possible end time of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getEndMin() const

This member function returns the earliest possible end time of the invoking activity.


public IlcIntVar getEndVariable() const

This member function returns the Solver variable that represents the end time of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getExecutionDurationMin() const

A breakable activity executes during a set of disjoint temporal intervals. These execution intervals are separated by intervals that correspond to the breaks that suspend the activity.

This member function returns the minimal duration for the execution intervals of the invoking activity.

The default minimal duration is 1. It can be redefined by calling the member function IlcActivity::setExecutionDurationMin.


public IlcIntVar getExternalVar() const

This member function returns the external variable of the invoking activity. Note that by default, the external variable of an activity is a variable with a domain [IlcIntMin, IlcIntMax].


public IlcInt getExternalVarMax() const

This member function returns the maximal value of the external variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getExternalVarMin() const

This member function returns the minimal value of the external variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcActivityI * getImpl() const
This constructor creates an object by copying another one. This constructor creates an object by copying another one. This member function returns a pointer to the implementation object of the invoking handle.


public const char * getName() const
This member function returns the name of the invoking object.


public IlcAny getObject() const
This member function returns a pointer to the external object associated with the invoking object, if there is such an association. It returns 0 (zero) otherwise.


public IlcInt getProcessingTimeMax() const

This member function returns the longest possible processing time for the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getProcessingTimeMin() const

This member function returns the shortest possible processing time for the invoking activity.


public IlcIntVar getProcessingTimeVariable() const

This member function returns the Solver variable that represents the processing time for the invoking activity.


public IlcSchedule getSchedule() const

This member function returns the schedule to which the invoking activity belongs. Each activity belongs to a unique schedule, an instance of IlcSchedule.


public IloSolver getSolver() const

This member function returns an instance of IloSolver associated with the invoking object.


public IloSolverI * getSolverI() const

This member function returns a pointer to the implementation object of the solver where the invoking object was extracted.


public IlcInt getStartBreakOverlapMax() const

This member function returns the maximal value of the start break overlap variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getStartBreakOverlapMin() const

This member function returns the minimal value of the start break overlap variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcIntVar getStartBreakOverlapVariable() const

This member function returns the start break overlap variable of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getStartMax() const

This member function returns the latest possible start time of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getStartMin() const

This member function returns the earliest possible start time of the invoking activity.


public IlcIntVar getStartVariable() const

This member function returns the Solver variable that represents the start time of the invoking activity.


public IlcInt getTransitionType() const

The transition type of an activity is an integer intended to define transition time and cost from an indexed classification of activities. It is used by transition tables (instances of the class IlcTransitionTable).

This member function returns the transition type of the invoking activity. By default, the transition type is set to zero.


public IlcBool hasEndBreakOverlapVariable() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity has an end break overlap variable. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.

An end break overlap variable is created on an activity as soon as one of the following member functions has been called: IlcActivity::addEndBreakOverlapType, IlcActivity::setEndBreakOverlapVariable, IlcActivity::setEndBreakOverlapMax, IlcActivity::setEndBreakOverlapMin, or IlcActivity::setEndBreakOverlap.


public IlcBool hasStartBreakOverlapVariable() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity has a start break overlap variable. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.

A start break overlap variable is created on an activity as soon as one of the following member functions has been called: IlcActivity::addStartBreakOverlapType, IlcActivity::setStartBreakOverlapVariable, IlcActivity::setStartBreakOverlapMax, IlcActivity::setStartBreakOverlapMin, or IlcActivity::setStartBreakOverlap.


public IlcBool isBreakable() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity is a breakable activity.Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.


public IlcBool isDirectlySucceededBy(IlcActivity) const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity is directly succeeded by the activity act. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.

This member function should be used only in search and only when a precedence graph constraint has been created on the schedule.


public IlcBool isDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcInt type) const

This member function returns IlcTrue if type is a disjunctive break type of the invoking activity.


public IlcBool isExternalVarBound() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if and only if the external variable of the invoking activity is bound.


public IlcBool isIgnoredBreakType(IlcInt type) const

This member function returns IloTrue if the type type belongs to the set of ignored break types of the invoking activity. Otherwise, it returns IloFalse.


public IlcBool isIgnoredShiftType(IlcInt type) const

This member function returns IloTrue if the type type belongs to the set of ignored shift types of the invoking activity. Otherwise, it returns IloFalse.


public IlcBool isPostponed() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the earliest start time of the invoking activity is equal to the earliest start time at the moment of the most recent call to the member function postpone. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.


public IlcBool isPostponedBackward() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if the latest end time of the invoking activity is equal to the latest end time at the moment of the most recent call to the member function IlcActivity::postponeBackward. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.


public IlcBool isRanked() const

This member function returns IlcTrue if all the other activities of the schedule are constrained to execute either before or after the invoking activity. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.

This member function should be used only in search and only when a precedence graph constraint has been created on the schedule.


public IlcBool isSucceededBy(IlcActivity) const

Before entering the search, this function returns IlcTrue if and only if a successor relation has been added with the member function IlcActivity::setSuccessor.

In search, this member function returns IlcTrue if the invoking activity is succeeded by the activity act. Otherwise, it returns IlcFalse.

This member function should be used only when a precedence graph constraint has been created on the schedule.


public IlcBool operator!=(const IlcActivity & activity) const

This operator returns IlcTrue if and only if activity does not refer to the same implementation object as the invoking activity.


public void operator=(const IlcActivity & h)
This operator assigns an address to the handle pointer of the invoking object. That address is the location of the implementation object of the provided argument.


public IlcBool operator==(const IlcActivity & activity) const

This operator returns IlcTrue if and only if activity refers to the same implementation object as the invoking activity.


public void postpone()

This function insures that the invoking activity is treated as a postponed activity until the earliest start time changes.


public void postponeBackward()

This function insures that the invoking activity is treated as a backward postponed activity until the latest end time changes.


public IlcResourceConstraint produces(IlcReservoir resource, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcAltResConstraint produces(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcAltResConstraint produces(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcResourceConstraint produces(IlcContinuousReservoir resource, IlcIntVar capacity)
public IlcResourceConstraint produces(IlcContinuousReservoir resource, IlcInt capacity=1)
public IlcResourceConstraint produces(IlcReservoir resource, IlcIntVar capacity)

An activity produces if some amount of the reservoir capacity is made available through the execution of the activity. This member function states that the invoking activity produces the given capacity of the given reservoir.

If the reservoir is discrete (class IlcReservoir), this member function implies that the occupancy of the reservoir by the activity is rounded inward toward the nearest valid time that corresponds to a time step.

These two expressions are equivalent:

 activity.produces(reservoir, capacity);
 activity.provides(reservoir, capacity, IlcAfterEnd);

If the reservoir is continuous (class IlcContinuousReservoir), the production process is continuous and linear from the start time to the end time of the invoking activity. Since the time step of a timetable for a continuous reservoir is 1, the returned resource constraint has no inward/outward rounding mode. Its time extent is not defined, since it does not match any case of the enumeration IlcTimeExtent.

If the invoking activity produces for a reservoir in set, the production will be discrete if the selected reservoir is an instance of IlcReservoir. It will be continuous if the selected reservoir is an instance of IlcContinuousReservoir).

An instance of IloSolver::SolverErrorException is thrown if either of the following conditions occurs:


public IlcResourceConstraint provides(IlcReservoir resource, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public IlcAltResConstraint provides(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public IlcAltResConstraint provides(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)
public IlcResourceConstraint provides(IlcReservoir resource, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcFalse)

This member function states that the invoking activity provides the given capacity of the given reservoir. By default, the activity provides the reservoir from the beginning to the end of its execution. However, the optional argument extent is available to represent cases in which the activity provides the reservoir over a different time extent, as explained in IlcTimeExtent.

The argument outward is important only when one of the timetables of the reservoir has a time step greater than 1 (one). In that case, outward defines whether the occupancy of the reservoir by the activity should be rounded outward or inward towards the nearest valid time that corresponds to a step (apply on discrete or unary resources and reservoirs).

An instance of IloSolver::SolverErrorException is thrown if any of the following conditions occurs.

The set of alternative resources can contain a continuous reservoir if extent is IlcNever, IlcAlways, IlcAfterStart or IlcAfterEnd. If the time extent is IlcNever, the activity does not provide any capacity. If the time extent is IlcAlways, the capacity is provided at any time. If the time extent is IlcAfterStart or IlcAfterEnd, the capacity is not provided before the start of the activity, is totally provided after its end and linearly provided between its start and its end. For any other time extent, an instance of IloSolver::SolverErrorException is thrown.


public void removeDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)

This member function removes the set of types setOfTypes from the set of disjunctive break types of the invoking activity. If a break type belongs to the set of disjunctive break types of a breakable activity, the activity must be completely processed either before or after that type of break.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void removeDisjunctiveBreakType(IlcInt type)

This member function removes the type type from the set of disjunctive break types of the invoking activity. If a break type belongs to the set of disjunctive break types of a breakable activity, the activity must be completely processed either before or after that type of break.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void removeEndBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the end of the activity. This member function removes type from this set of break types on the invoking activity.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void removeEndBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the end of the activity. This member function removes all the types of typeSet from this set of break types on the invoking activity.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void removeIgnoredBreakType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)

This member function removes the set of types setOfTypes from the set of ignored break types of the invoking activity.


public void removeIgnoredBreakType(IlcInt type)

This member function removes the type type from the set of ignored break types of the invoking activity.


public void removeIgnoredShiftType(IlcIntSet setOfTypes)

This member function removes the set of types setOfTypes from the set of ignored shift types of the invoking activity.


public void removeIgnoredShiftType(IlcInt type)

This member function removes the type type from the set of ignored shift types of the invoking activity.


public void removeStartBreakOverlapType(IlcInt type)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the start of the activity. This member function removes type from this set of break types on the invoking activity.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void removeStartBreakOverlapType(IlcIntSet typeSet)

For each activity, a set of break types is given that defines which break types can possibly be overlapped by the start of the activity. This member function removes all the types of typeSet from this set of break types on the invoking activity.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public IlcResourceConstraint requires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAny state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySetVar states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySet states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requires(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnyVar state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)

This member function states that the invoking activity requires the given resource in the given state or states. By default, the activity requires resource from the beginning to the end of its execution. However, the optional argument extent is available to represent cases in which the activity requires the resource over a different time extent, as explained in IlcTimeExtent.

The argument outward is important only when one of the timetables of resource has a time step greater than 1 (one). In that case, outward defines whether the occupancy of the resource by the activity should be rounded outward or inward towards the nearest valid time that corresponds to a step.


public IlcResourceConstraint requires(IlcCapResource resource, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcAltResConstraint requires(IlcAltResSet set, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcAltResConstraint requires(IlcAltResSet set, IlcInt capacity=1, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requires(IlcCapResource resource, IlcIntVar capacity, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)

This member function states that the invoking activity requires the given capacity of the given resource. For example, an activity might require the presence of a worker on a shift. By default, the activity requires the resource from the beginning to the end of its execution. However, the optional argument extent is available to represent cases in which the activity requires the resource over a different time extent, as explained in IlcTimeExtent.

The argument outward is important only when one of the timetables of resource has a time step greater than 1 (one). In that case, outward defines whether the occupancy of the resource by the activity should be rounded outward or inward towards the nearest valid time that corresponds to a step.

When the given resource is an instance of IlcDiscreteEnergy, it means that the given capacity is required for each unit of time in the given time extent.

An instance of IloSolver::SolverErrorException is thrown when any of the following conditions occurs:

  1. if capacity is a strictly negative integer
  2. if capacity is a constrained integer variable with a strictly negative minimal value

The member function must not be called if resource is a continuous reservoir. However, the set of alternative resources can contain a continuous reservoir if the IlcTimeExtent extent is IlcNever, IlcAlways, IlcAfterStart or IlcAfterEnd. If the time extent is IlcNever, the activity does not require any capacity. If the time extent is IlcAlways, the capacity is required at any time. If the time extent is IlcAfterStart or IlcAfterEnd, the capacity is not required before the start of the activity, is totally required after its end and linearly required between its start and its end. For any other time extent, an instance of IloSolver::SolverErrorException is thrown.


In the following example, activity requires 2 units of the discrete resource resource. As 0 is considered a possible duration for the activity, nothing occurs when the maximal capacity of the resource is set to 1 over the interval [0 10). When the earliest end time of the activity becomes 5, Scheduler Engine automatically deduces (by constraint propagation) that the activity cannot start before 5. Indeed, if the activity starts before 5 (say, at t with t < 5), then the activity requires the resource at least from t to 5. However, this situation is impossible since the resource is not available in sufficient quantity. Hence, the activity cannot start before 5. Similarly, when the minimal duration of the activity is set to 1, the earliest start time of the activity automatically becomes 10.

 /// Must be during search (e.g., inside a goal) ///
 IloSolver solver = getSolver();
 IlcScheduler schedule(solver, 0, 24);
 IlcDiscreteResource resource(schedule, 3);
 IlcIntVar processingTime(solver,0, 24);
 IlcActivity activity(schedule, processingTime);
 solver.add(activity.requires(resource, 2));
 solver.out() << activity << endl;
 resource.setCapacityMax(0, 10, 1);
 solver.out() << activity << endl;
 solver.out() << activity << endl;
 solver.out() << activity << endl;

The output of that program looks like the following.

 [0..24 -- 0..24 --> 0..24]
 [0..24 -- 0..24 --> 0..24]
 [5..24 -- 0..19 --> 5..24]
 [10..23 -- 1..14 --> 11..24]


public IlcResourceConstraint requiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAny state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySetVar states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnySet states, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)
public IlcResourceConstraint requiresNot(IlcStateResource resource, IlcAnyVar state, IlcTimeExtent extent=IlcFromStartToEnd, IlcBool outward=IlcTrue)

This member function states that the invoking activity requires the given resource in any state that does not belong to the given state or set of states. The state or states may change during execution, but must never belong to the given state or set of states. By default, the activity requires the resource from the beginning to the end of its execution. However, the optional argument extent is available to represent cases in which the activity requires the resource over a different time extent, as explained in IlcTimeExtent.

The argument outward is important only when one of the timetables of resource has a time step greater than 1 (one). In that case, outward defines whether the occupancy of the resource by the activity should be rounded outward or inward towards the nearest valid time that corresponds to a step.


public void setDuration(IlcInt duration)

This member function sets the duration of the invoking activity to duration.

Detecting Inconsistencies

When changing the domain of a start time variable, an end time variable, a duration variable, or a processing time variable, Scheduler Engine will detect an inconsistency if a changed domain directly conflicts with temporal constraints and with the resource constraints of activities with fixed (instantiated) start and end times and processing time.

Scheduler Engine may or may not detect the inconsistency if the changed domain conflicts with the temporal and resource constraints associated with unscheduled activities, that is, activities for which the start and end times and/or the processing time are not instantiated yet.


public void setDurationMax(IlcInt durationMax)

This member function states that the duration of the invoking activity can be at most durationMax. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setDurationMaxNormalBreaks(IlcInt duration)

This member function states that the invoking activity must be completely processed either before or after any break whose duration is strictly greater than duration.

Increasing this maximal duration has no effect in search.


public void setDurationMin(IlcInt durationMin)

This member function states that the duration of the invoking activity must be at least durationMin. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setDurationMinNormalBreaks(IlcInt duration)

This member function states that the invoking activity must be completely processed either before or after any break whose duration is strictly lower than duration.

By default, the value of this minimal duration for a breakable activity is 1 so that only the breaks with null duration are considered as disjunctive.

Decreasing this minimal duration has no effect in search.


public void setEndBreakOverlap(IlcInt overlap)

This member function sets overlap as the value of the end break overlap variable.


public void setEndBreakOverlapMax(IlcInt overlapMax)

This member function sets overlapMax as the new maximal value of the end break overlap variable.


public void setEndBreakOverlapMin(IlcInt overlapMin)

This member function sets overlapMin as the new minimal value of the end break overlap variable.


public void setEndBreakOverlapVariable(IlcIntVar overlapVariable)

This member function sets overlapVariable as the end break overlap variable of the invoking activity.

For an activity that finishes in a possibly overlapped break:

The value is defined as 0 for an activity that does not finish in a possibly overlapped break. By default, the end break overlap variable of an activity with no possibly overlapped break is considered to be bound to 0.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void setEndMax(IlcInt endMax)

This member function states that the invoking activity must not end after endMax. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setEndMin(IlcInt endMin)

This member function states that the invoking activity must not end before endMin. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setEndTime(IlcInt endTime)

This member function sets the end time of the invoking activity to endTime. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setExecutionDurationMin(IlcInt)

A breakable activity executes during a set of disjoint temporal intervals. These execution intervals are separated by intervals that correspond to the breaks that suspend the activity.

This member function states that the duration of the temporal intervals during which the invoking breakable activity executes must all be greater or equal to the value provided. Note that this value must be a strictly positive integer. By default, breakable activities are created with a minimal duration for execution intervals of 1.

In search, trying to decrease the current minimal duration for execution intervals has no effect.


public void setExternalValue(IlcInt)

This member function sets the value of the external variable of the invoking activity.


public void setExternalVar(IlcIntVar)

This member function sets the external variable of the invoking activity. Before entering the search, this member function will override any previous specification of external variable. This function may be called only one time during the search if no external variable has been specified. Any attempt to call this member function during the search in a situation where some external variable has already been specified on the activity will raise an error.


public void setExternalVarMax(IlcInt)

This member function sets the maximal value of the external variable of the invoking activity.


public void setExternalVarMin(IlcInt)

This member function sets the minimal value of the external variable of the invoking activity.


public void setName(const char * name) const
This member function sets the name of the invoking object to a copy of name. This assignment is a reversible action.


public void setObject(IlcAny object) const
This member function establishes a link between the invoking object and an external object of which the invoking object might be a data member.


public void setProcessingTime(IlcInt processingTime)

This member function assigns processingTime as the processing time for the invoking activity. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setProcessingTimeMax(IlcInt processingTimeMax)

This member function states that the processing time of the invoking activity can be at most processingTimeMax. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setProcessingTimeMin(IlcInt processingTimeMin)

This member function states that the processing time of the invoking activity must be at least processingTimeMin. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setStartBreakOverlap(IlcInt overlap)

This member function sets overlap as the value of the start break overlap variable.


public void setStartBreakOverlapMax(IlcInt overlapMax)

This member function sets overlapMax as the new maximal value of the start break overlap variable.


public void setStartBreakOverlapMin(IlcInt overlapMin)

This member function sets overlapMin as the new minimal value of the start break overlap variable.


public void setStartBreakOverlapVariable(IlcIntVar overlapVariable)

This member function sets overlapVar as the start break overlap variable of the invoking activity.

For an activity that starts in a possibly overlapped break:

The value is defined as 0 for an activity that does not start in a possibly overlapped break. By default, the start break overlap variable of an activity with no possibly overlapped break is considered to be bound to 0.

This member function is available only outside the search. In particular, it cannot be called from within a goal.


public void setStartMax(IlcInt startMax)

This member function states that the invoking activity must not start after startMax. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setStartMin(IlcInt startMin)

This member function states that the invoking activity must not start before startMin. An inconsistency may be detected as documented in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setStartTime(IlcInt startTime)

This member function sets the start time of the invoking activity to startTime. An inconsistency may be detected as documented by in IlcActivity::setDuration.


public void setSuccessor(IlcActivity ct)

This member function states that the invoking activity has the activity ct as successor on the precedence graph of the schedule. That is, this member function adds an edge on the precedence graph.

This member function should be used only when a precedence graph constraint has been created on the schedule.


public void setTransitionType(IlcInt value)

The transition type of an activity is an integer intended to define transition time and cost from an indexed classification of activities. It is used by transition tables (instances of the class IlcTransitionTable).

This member function sets the transition type of the invoking activity to value.


public IlcTimeBoundConstraint startsAfter(IlcInt time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraint startsAfter(IlcIntVar time)

This member function states that the invoking activity must start after or at time. More formally, act.startsAfter(time) means start(act) >= time.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAfterEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that the invoking activity starts after the end of act. (In other words, act precedes the invoking activity.) In addition, at least the given delay must elapse between the end of act and the beginning of the invoking activity.

The member function can be invoked with a negative delay, which means that the invoking activity can start before the end of act, but the difference between the end time of act and the start time of the invoking activity cannot exceed -delay.

More formally, act1.startsAfterEnd(act, delay) means start(act1) >= end(act) + delay.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAfterStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that the invoking activity starts after the beginning of act. In addition, at least the given delay must elapse between the beginning of act and the beginning of the invoking activity.

The member function can be invoked with a negative delay, which means that the invoking activity can start before the beginning of act, but the difference between the start time of act and the start time of the invoking activity cannot exceed -delay.

More formally, act1.startsAfterStart(act, delay) means start(act1) >= start(act) + delay.


public IlcTimeBoundConstraint startsAt(IlcInt time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraint startsAt(IlcIntVar time)

This member function states that the invoking activity must start at time. More formally, act.startsAt(time) means start(act) == time.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAtEnd(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that exactly the given delay must elapse between the end of act and the beginning of the invoking activity.

More formally, act1.startsAtEnd(act, delay) means start(act1) == end(act) + delay.


public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcInt delay=0)
public IlcPrecedenceConstraint startsAtStart(IlcActivity act, IlcIntVar)

This member function states that exactly the given delay must elapse between the beginning of act and the beginning of the invoking activity.

More formally, act1.startsAtStart(act, delay) means start(act1) == start(act) + delay.


public IlcTimeBoundConstraint startsBefore(IlcInt time)
public IlcTimeBoundConstraint startsBefore(IlcIntVar time)

This member function states that the invoking activity must start before or at time. More formally, act.startsBefore(time) means start(act) <= time.


public void unsetSuccessor(IlcActivity ct)

This member function removes a successor relation that had previously been added on the graph with IlcActivity::setSuccessor.

This member function should be used only before entering the search and only when a precedence graph constraint has been created on the schedule.


public IlcBool useEfficiency() const

This member function returns IloTrue if the processing time of the invoking activity is computed using the efficiency function of resource calendars. Otherwise, it returns IloFalse.