Information about Authors

Full Papers' Authors (in alphabetical order)

  • Alessandra Toninelli graduated from University of Bologna, Italy, where she is currently a PhD student in Computer Science Engineering.
    Her research interests focus on semantic technologies, context-aware applications and security management in pervasive environments.

  • Anand Ranganathan is a Research Staff Member at IBM TJ Watson Research Center. He is exploring different techniques that allow easier management and configuration of systems, with improved user interaction, with the help of different AI technologies, particularly the Semantic Web and AI planning.
    He finished his PhD from UIUC in 2005 and BTech from IIT-Madras (India) in 2000.

  • Apu Kapadia received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and is now a post-doctoral research fellow at ISTS, Dartmouth College, USA.
    He is mainly interested in topics related to systems' security and privacy, anonymizing networks, and applied cryptography.

  • Bjørnar Solhaug is with the Dep. of Information Science and Media Studues, University of Bergen, Norway, and SINTEF ICT, Norway. He is a PhD student at the ENFORCE project funded by the Research Council of Norway. The objective of the ENFORCE project is to develop language, method and tool for policy based trust management.
    His personal objective for the PhD thesis is to develop a specification languge for trust policies with formal syntax and semantics.

  • Carlos Alberto Kamienski received his Ph.D. in computer science from the Federal University of Pernambuco (Recife PE, Brazil) in 2003. He is currently an associate professor of computer networks at the Federal University of the ABC (UFABC) in Santo André SP, Brazil.
    His current research interests include policy-based management, traffic measurement and analysis, ambient networks and virtual worlds.

  • Claudiu Duma received his MSc in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (1998) and his PhD in Computer Science from Linköping University (2005). Currently, Dr. Duma is a postdoc at Linköping University, where he performs research in trust management and software security.

  • Daniel Olmedilla holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2007). He is a research scientist at the L3S Research Center and Hannover University, coordinates the PeerTrust project and participates, among other projects, in the EU Network of Excellence REWERSE.
    His research interests ranges from Semantic Web and reasoning to trust, security and privacy in distributed environments like the Web, P2P and Grid.

  • Erik Rissanen has worked as a researcher at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science in the field of access control and participated in a number of projects, mainly about access control in highly distributed systems. He is the editor of the upcoming version 3.0 of XACML.

  • Francis St-Onge is a Research Engineer at the Communication Research Centre, Ottawa/Canada. As part of the Network Systems Group, Mr St-Onge conducts research for the Department of National Defence. His areas of interest include QoS, traffic engineering and policy-based management.
    Prior to joining CRC, he worked in the telecommunication industry with Nortel and Airnet Communications in the US.

  • Dr. Giovanni Russello is a Research Associate at the Department of Computing in Imperial College London. His current research focuses on access control mechanism and Trust and Privacy issues.

  • Helge Janicke was awarded his PhD from De Montfort University where he explored compositional techniques for policy specification and refinement, in particular those used within the security domain.
    He is currently a Research Associate at the Software Technology Research Laboratory at De Montfort University, where he is working on an MoD-funded project investigating the application of dynamic policies for the management of trust in distributed, heterogeneous systems.

  • Jonathan Voris is currently a graduate student at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. He is a research assistant at the Stevens Laboratory for Secure Systems. His research interests include policy systems, privacy, and wireless security.

  • Sabrina Baselice is a Phd student of the university of Naples "Federico II". Her main interests include the foundations of Trust Negotiation and Answer Set Programming. The work she's going to present has been carried out within the FP6 network of excellence REWERSE, (working group on Policies).

  • Shourya Roy is working as a Technical Staff Member with IBM Research since 2002. His research interest includes Data Bases, Knowledge Management, Data Mining. Mr. Roy has published papers in leading conferences including VLDB, WWW, COLING, EMNLP and journals including the VLDB journal, Journal of Autonomic and Trusted Computing on Autonomic and Trusted Computing Systems and Applications.

  • Dr. Tatyana Ryutov received Ph. D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California in 2002. She is a computer scientist at the Information Sciences Institute working on systems security, security policies, access control and trust management.