Interface SessionManager

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. This inferface has been replaced with the RTPManager interface.

public interface SessionManager
extends Controls

The interface implemented by the SessionManager. This is the starting point for creating, maintaining and closing an RTP session.

Field Summary
static long SSRC_UNSPEC
          Deprecated. Used to specify an unspecified SSRC for methods which retrieve an SSRC
Method Summary
 void addFormat(Format fmt, int payload)
          Deprecated. This method is used to add a dynamic payload ---> Format mapping in the SessionManager.
 void addPeer(SessionAddress peerAddress)
          Deprecated. Adds a peer to the list of peers.
 void addReceiveStreamListener(ReceiveStreamListener listener)
          Deprecated. Adds a ReceiveStreamListener.
 void addRemoteListener(RemoteListener listener)
          Deprecated. Adds a RemoteListener to the session.
 void addSendStreamListener(SendStreamListener listener)
          Deprecated. Adds a SendStreamListener.
 void addSessionListener(SessionListener listener)
          Deprecated. Adds a SessionListener.
 void closeSession(java.lang.String reason)
          Deprecated. Informs RTP that the application is ready to terminate the session.
 SendStream createSendStream(DataSource ds, int streamindex)
          Deprecated. This method is the same as the createSendStream(int ssrc, DataSource ds, in t streamindex, int packet_interval) except that the user need not supply the SSRC of the stream.
 SendStream createSendStream(int ssrc, DataSource ds, int streamindex)
          Deprecated. This method is used to create a sending stream within the RTP session.
 java.lang.String generateCNAME()
          Deprecated. This function can be used to generate a CNAME using the scheme described in RFC1889.
 long generateSSRC()
          Deprecated. This function can be used to generate a SSRC using the scheme described in RFC1889.
 java.util.Vector getActiveParticipants()
          Deprecated. Returns a vector of all the active (data sending) participants.
 java.util.Vector getAllParticipants()
          Deprecated. Returns all the participants of this session.
 long getDefaultSSRC()
          Deprecated. Returns the default SSRC for this session.
 GlobalReceptionStats getGlobalReceptionStats()
          Deprecated. This method will provide access to overall data and control messsage reception statistics for this Session.
 GlobalTransmissionStats getGlobalTransmissionStats()
          Deprecated. This method will provide access to overall data and control messsage transmission statistics for this Session.
 LocalParticipant getLocalParticipant()
          Deprecated. Retrieves the local participant
 SessionAddress getLocalSessionAddress()
          Deprecated. Method to get the local SessionAddress of this SessionManager.
 int getMulticastScope()
          Deprecated. Allows the user to retrieve the multicast TTL set for this session.
 java.util.Vector getPassiveParticipants()
          Deprecated. Returns all the passive participants.
 java.util.Vector getPeers()
          Deprecated. Gets the list of peers.
 java.util.Vector getReceiveStreams()
          Deprecated. Returns the ReceiveStreams created by the SessionManager.
 java.util.Vector getRemoteParticipants()
          Deprecated. Returns a Vector of all the remote participants in the session.This vector is simply a snapshot of the current state in the SessionManager.The SessionListener interface can be used to get notified of additional participants for the Session.
 java.util.Vector getSendStreams()
          Deprecated. Returns the SendStreams created by the SessionManager.
 SessionAddress getSessionAddress()
          Deprecated. Method to get the Destination SessionAddress of this SessionManager This will return the data address/port and control address/port that the RTP manager is receiving data/control packets on and sending RTCP packets to.
 RTPStream getStream(long filterssrc)
          Deprecated. Returns the RTPStream created by the SessionManager that has the same SSRC as the filterssrc.
 int initSession(SessionAddress localAddress, long defaultSSRC, SourceDescription[] defaultUserDesc, double rtcp_bw_fraction, double rtcp_sender_bw_fraction)
          Deprecated. Initializes the session.
 int initSession(SessionAddress localAddress, SourceDescription[] defaultUserDesc, double rtcp_bw_fraction, double rtcp_sender_bw_fraction)
          Deprecated. This form of initSession is to be used when the SSRC is to be generated by the RTPSM.
 void removeAllPeers()
          Deprecated. Removes all peers from the list of peers.
 void removePeer(SessionAddress peerAddress)
          Deprecated. Removes a peer from the list of peers.
 void removeReceiveStreamListener(ReceiveStreamListener listener)
          Deprecated. removes a ReceiveStreamListener
 void removeRemoteListener(RemoteListener listener)
          Deprecated. removes a RTPRemoteListener
 void removeSendStreamListener(SendStreamListener listener)
          Deprecated. removes a SendStreamListener
 void removeSessionListener(SessionListener listener)
          Deprecated. removes a SessionListener
 void setMulticastScope(int multicastScope)
          Deprecated. Sets the IP Multicast TTL for this session.
 int startSession(int mcastScope, EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo)
          Deprecated. This variant of the startSession() method is for starting a session with an empty list of peers.
 int startSession(SessionAddress destAddress, int mcastScope, EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo)
          Deprecated. This method starts the session, causing RTCP reports to generated and callbacks to be made through the SessionListener interface.
 int startSession(SessionAddress localReceiverAddress, SessionAddress localSenderAddress, SessionAddress remoteReceiverAddress, EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo)
          Deprecated. This method may be used instead of startSession() above, but only in case of UNICAST sessions.
Methods inherited from interface
getControl, getControls

Field Detail


public static final long SSRC_UNSPEC
Used to specify an unspecified SSRC for methods which retrieve an SSRC

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public int initSession(SessionAddress localAddress,
                       long defaultSSRC,
                       SourceDescription[] defaultUserDesc,
                       double rtcp_bw_fraction,
                       double rtcp_sender_bw_fraction)
                throws InvalidSessionAddressException
Initializes the session. Once this method has been called, the session is "initialized" and this method cannot be called again.

localAddress - Encapsulates the *local* control and data addresses to be used for the session. If either InetAddress contained in this parameter is null, a default local address will be chosen; this should be adequate except for multi-homed systems with more than one IP interface. The ports do not necessarily need to be specified (i.e. they may be the ANY_PORT constant); RTPSM will pick appropriate ports in that case. In any case, the fully specified local addresses to be used are returned in this object.

Note: The localAddress is the interface and port used by the sending/transmitting threads of the SessionManager. The receiving threads will use the address and port of the RTP session that is supplied in startSession().

defaultSSRC - Identifies an SSRC value to use for this participant. This SSRC value will go out in RTCP listener reports from this participant. .If the user wishes that RTPSM generate the SSRC, it must use the initSession() call mentioned below.

rtcp_bw_fraction - The fraction of the session bandwidth that the RTPSM must use when sending out RTCP reports.
rtcp_sender_bw_fraction - The fraction of the rtcp_bw_fraction that the RTPSM must use to send out RTCP Sender reports from the local participant. The remaining fraction of the rtcp_bw is used for sending out RTCP Receiver reports.

Note : The rtcp_bw_fraction is set to zero for a non-participating observer of this Session. In this case the application will receive both RTP and RTCP messages, but will not send out any RTCP feedback reports. This is equivalent to setting the outgoing RTP/RTCP bandwidth of this application to zero, implying that this application may NOT send out any data or control streams and can thus not make a call to createSendStream(). If it does, it will receive an exception. Further, this application is NOT considered an Participant since it does not send out any RTCP information. Consequently, this client will NOT appear in the list of Participants for this session.

InitSession called a second time or thereafter will return without doing anything, since the session had already been initialized. If parameters to initSession() are different from before, the user must note that the new parameters will ignored as a result of no action being performed. In this case, the return value is -1 indicating no action was taken since initSession had previously been called

Returns 0 if initSession was executed succesfully and -1 initSession was previously executed.
InvalidSessionAddressException - This exception is thrown if the local control and data addresses given in parameter localAddress do not belong to one of the localhost interfaces.


public int initSession(SessionAddress localAddress,
                       SourceDescription[] defaultUserDesc,
                       double rtcp_bw_fraction,
                       double rtcp_sender_bw_fraction)
                throws InvalidSessionAddressException
This form of initSession is to be used when the SSRC is to be generated by the RTPSM. In this case, the client allows the underlying implementation to choose an appropriate SSRC, and the SSRC chosen can be retrieved with getDefaultSSRC().

InitSession called a second time or thereafter will return without doing anything, since the session had already been initialized. If parameters to initSession() are different from before, the user must note that the new parameters will ignored as a result of no action being performed. In this case, The return value is -1 indicating no action was taken since initSession had previously been called

Returns 0 if initSession was executed succesfully and -1 initSession was previously executed.
InvalidSessionAddressException - This exception is thrown if the local control and data addresses given in parameter localAddress do not belong to one of the localhost interfaces.


public int startSession(SessionAddress destAddress,
                        int mcastScope,
                        EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo)
This method starts the session, causing RTCP reports to generated and callbacks to be made through the SessionListener interface. This method must be called after session initialization and prior to the creation of any streams on a session. A valid destination address is required even for sessions that will have no sending streams so that RTCP control messages can be sent.

destAddress - The RTP session address which is defined as the address,port combination pair to which data and control packets will be sent. As opposed to the localAddress parameter specified in initSession,some portions of this SessionAddress *must* be specified.This is the Session Address and is defined in the RFC as one network address and a port pair for RTP/RTCP. The RTP ports is even and one lower than the RTCP port.Either of the RTP or RTCP address, port pair must be supplied in destAddress parameter. Note: For multicast sessions, this address will be the multicast address to which data will be sent. In case of a UNICAST session, you can enter either the IP address of the receiver of data i.e. address to which data is destined OR the IP address of the sender i.e. address to which control packets are to be sent. For broadcast session, this address will be the subnet broadcast address.
mcastScope - If the destination address specified is an IP multicast address, this value specifies the ttl of outgoing packets on that address.

encryptionInfo - Encryption information for this session.

Returns 0 if startSession was executed succesfully and -1 startSession was previously executed.
Throws: - This exception is thrown if the local control and data sockets cannot be opened or if the mulitcast group cannot be joined.
InvalidSessionAddressException - This exception is thrown if the Session Address is incomplete in that it cannot be completely deciphered.


public int startSession(SessionAddress localReceiverAddress,
                        SessionAddress localSenderAddress,
                        SessionAddress remoteReceiverAddress,
                        EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo)
This method may be used instead of startSession() above, but only in case of UNICAST sessions. It allows a user to specify distinct port pairs for the two end points of a unicast session only. Note: This feature is not in RFC 1889, but has been added in a later RTP draft.

localReceiverAddress - specifies the RTP session address of the local end point of this unicast session. i.e. the IP address, data/ control port of the local host
localSenderAddress - specifies the local RTP session address that is used for sending out RTP and RTCP packets.
remoteReceiverAddress - The RTP session address of the remote end point of this unicast session. i.e. the IP address,port of the remote host
Returns 0 if startSession was executed succesfully and -1 startSession was previously executed.
Throws: - This exception is thrown if the local control and data sockets cannot be opened.
InvalidSessionAddressException - This exception is thrown if the Session Address is incomplete in that it cannot be completely deciphered or the addresses supplied are NOT unicast IP addresses.


public void addSessionListener(SessionListener listener)
Adds a SessionListener. A SessionListener will receive events that pertain to the Session as a whole. Currently, these include the NewParticipantEvent and LocalCollisionEvent. Events are notified in the update(SessionEvent) method which must be implemented by all SessionListeners.


public void addRemoteListener(RemoteListener listener)
Adds a RemoteListener to the session. This listener listens to all remote RTP events. Currently, these include ReceiverReportEvent, ReceiveSenderReportEvent and RemoteCollisionEvent. This interface would be usefuly for an RTCP monitor that does not wish to receive any particular stream transitionEvents but just wants to monitor the session quality and statistics.


public void addReceiveStreamListener(ReceiveStreamListener listener)
Adds a ReceiveStreamListener. This listener listens to all the events that notify state transitions for a particular ReceiveStream.


public void addSendStreamListener(SendStreamListener listener)
Adds a SendStreamListener. This listener listens to all the events that notify state transitions for a particular SendStream.


public void removeSessionListener(SessionListener listener)
removes a SessionListener


public void removeRemoteListener(RemoteListener listener)
removes a RTPRemoteListener


public void removeReceiveStreamListener(ReceiveStreamListener listener)
removes a ReceiveStreamListener


public void removeSendStreamListener(SendStreamListener listener)
removes a SendStreamListener


public long getDefaultSSRC()
Returns the default SSRC for this session. Returns SSRC_UNSPEC if the session has not yet been initialized.


public java.util.Vector getRemoteParticipants()
Returns a Vector of all the remote participants in the session.This vector is simply a snapshot of the current state in the SessionManager.The SessionListener interface can be used to get notified of additional participants for the Session.


public java.util.Vector getActiveParticipants()
Returns a vector of all the active (data sending) participants. These participants may be remote and/or the local participant.


public java.util.Vector getPassiveParticipants()
Returns all the passive participants. These participants will include the local participant and some remote participants that do not send any data.


public LocalParticipant getLocalParticipant()
Retrieves the local participant


public java.util.Vector getAllParticipants()
Returns all the participants of this session.


public java.util.Vector getReceiveStreams()
Returns the ReceiveStreams created by the SessionManager. These are streams formed when the RTPSM detects a new source of RTP data. ReceiveStreams returned are a snapshot of the current state in the RTPSesionManager and the ReceiveStreamListener interface may be used to get notified of additional streams.


public java.util.Vector getSendStreams()
Returns the SendStreams created by the SessionManager. SendStreams returned are a snapshot of the current state in the RTPSesionManager and the SendStreamListener interface may be used to get notified of additional streams.


public RTPStream getStream(long filterssrc)
Returns the RTPStream created by the SessionManager that has the same SSRC as the filterssrc. If no stream with the filterssrc exits, null is returned.

Note: the return type for this method has been changed from long to int.


public int getMulticastScope()
Allows the user to retrieve the multicast TTL set for this session.


public void setMulticastScope(int multicastScope)
Sets the IP Multicast TTL for this session.

multicastScope - Specifies the new multicast scope for the session. A multicastScope less than 1 defaults to a scope of 1 set for the session.


public void closeSession(java.lang.String reason)
Informs RTP that the application is ready to terminate the session. All open streams will be closed after this call completes, and the object implementing this interface is no longer useful as an SessionManager.

reason - A string that RTCP will send out to other participants as the reason the local participant has quit the session.This RTCP packet will go out with the default SSRC of the session. If supplied as null, a default reason will be supplied by RTP.


public java.lang.String generateCNAME()
This function can be used to generate a CNAME using the scheme described in RFC1889. This function is provided in order to facilitate CNAME generation prior to actual stream creation.

The generated CNAME.


public long generateSSRC()
This function can be used to generate a SSRC using the scheme described in RFC1889. This function is provided in order to facilitate SSRC generation prior to actual stream creation, which may be useful for call control functions which need to exchange SSRCs before stream transmission commences.

Note: the return type has been changed from long to int.

The generated SSRC.


public SessionAddress getSessionAddress()
Method to get the Destination SessionAddress of this SessionManager This will return the data address/port and control address/port that the RTP manager is receiving data/control packets on and sending RTCP packets to.


public SessionAddress getLocalSessionAddress()
Method to get the local SessionAddress of this SessionManager. This will return the local address and port bound to of the socket which is sending out RTP/RTCP packets. Since the RTPSM does not send out any RTP packets, the destaddress/port field of SessionAddress will not be filled in. Note: current implementations of JDK will return for a socket.getLocalAddress() call.


public GlobalReceptionStats getGlobalReceptionStats()
This method will provide access to overall data and control messsage reception statistics for this Session. Statistics on data from individual sources is available from method getSourceReceptionStats() of interface ReceiveStream

The GlobalReceptionStats for this session


public GlobalTransmissionStats getGlobalTransmissionStats()
This method will provide access to overall data and control messsage transmission statistics for this Session. Statistics on data from individual sources is available from method getSourceTransmissionStats() of interface SendStream

The GlobalTransmissionStats for this session


public SendStream createSendStream(int ssrc,
                                   DataSource ds,
                                   int streamindex)
                            throws UnsupportedFormatException,
This method is used to create a sending stream within the RTP session. For each time the call is made, a new sending stream will be created. This stream will use the SDES items as entered in the initSession() call for all its RTCP messages. Each stream is sent out with a new SSRC (Synchronisation SouRCe identifier), but from the same participant i.e. local participant.

ssrc - The Synchronisation source identifier to be used when sending out this data stream. Note: Since the ssrc to be used by the local member is supplied in the initSession() call as well, the first SendStream created will use that ssrc and hence IGNORE the ssrc supplied in createSendStream. Subsequent calls to createSendStream() will use the ssrc supplied as this argument. Use createSendStream (DataSource, int, int) to start a send stream without supplying an SSRC.
ds - This is the PushOutputDataSource or PullOutputDataSource which is the output datasource of the Processor. This datasource may contain more than one stream. The stream which is used in creating this RTP stream is specified in the next parameter of stream.
streamindex - The index of the sourcestream from which data is sent out on this RTP stream. An index of 1 would indicate the first sourcestream of this datasource should be used to create the RTP stream. If the index is set to zero, it would indicate a RTP mixer operation is desired. i.e. all the streams of this datasource must be mixed into one single stream from one single SSRC.
The SendStream created by the RTP session manager.
UnsupportedFormatException - ( ). This exception is thrown if the format is not set on the sourcestream or a RTP payload cannot be located for the format set on the sourcestream.
SSRCInUseException -
This is thrown if the ssrc supplied as the first argument is already in use by another sendstream of this local participant. RTP requires that each sending stream of the same participant in the same session use a different unique SSRC. - Thrown for two possible reasons which will be specified in the message part of the exception 1) If the session was initiated with zero rtcp_bw_fraction which implied that this participant could not send out any RTP/RTCP data or control messages. i.e. it could not also create any send streams and was just a passive listener for this session. 2) If there was any problem opening the sending sockets


public SendStream createSendStream(DataSource ds,
                                   int streamindex)
                            throws UnsupportedFormatException,
This method is the same as the createSendStream(int ssrc, DataSource ds, in t streamindex, int packet_interval) except that the user need not supply the SSRC of the stream. The SSRC will be chosen by the SessionManager itself.
This method is used to create a sending stream within the RTP session. For each time the call is made, a new sending stream will be created. This stream will use the SDES items as entered in the initSession() call for all its RTCP messages. Each stream is sent out with a new SSRC (Synchronisation SouRCe identifier), but from the same participant i.e. local participant.

ds - This is the PushOutputDataSource or PullOutputDataSource which is the output datasource of the Processor. This datasource may contain more than one stream. The stream which is used in creating this RTP stream is specified in the next parameter of stream.
streamindex - The index of the sourcestream from which data is sent out on this RTP stream. An index of 1 would indicate the first sourcestream of this datasource should be used to create the RTP stream. If the index is set to zero, it would indicate a RTP mixer operation is desired. i.e. all the streams of this datasource must be mixed into one single stream from one single SSRC.
The SendStream created by the RTP session manager.
UnsupportedFormatException - ( ). This exception is thrown if the format is not set on the sourcestream or a RTP payload cannot be located for the format set on the sourcestream. - Thrown for two possible reasons which will be specified in the message part of the exception 1) If the session was initiated with zero rtcp_bw_fraction which implied that this participant could not send out any RTP/RTCP data or control messages. i.e. it could not also create any send streams and was just a passive listener for this session. 2) If there was any problem opening the sending sockets


public void addFormat(Format fmt,
                      int payload)
This method is used to add a dynamic payload ---> Format mapping in the SessionManager. The SessionManager maintains all static payload numbers and their correspnding Formats as mentioned in the Audio/Video profile document. Using the plugin packethandler interface, a user may plugin his own packetizer or depacketizer to handle RTP streams of a proprietary format using dynamic payload numbers as specified in the AV profile. Before streaming payload of a dynamic nature, a Format object needs to be created for the dynamic payload and associated with a dynamic payload number.

fmt - The Format to be associated with this dynamic payload number.
payload - The RTP payload number
See Also:


public int startSession(int mcastScope,
                        EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo)
This variant of the startSession() method is for starting a session with an empty list of peers. This method is meant to be used to start a multi-unicast session. For more details, please see documentation on multi-unicast sessions.

mcastScope - if the address in the addPeer() method is a multicast address, the packets are sent out with this ttl.
encryptionInfo - the encryption information to be used in this session.


public void addPeer(SessionAddress peerAddress)
Adds a peer to the list of peers. This method can be used when an RTP Session is to be built based on a full mesh of unicast streams between participants (this is called multi-unicast). If there is more than one peer in the list the SessionManager duplicates outbound RTP or RTCP packets. The duplicates are addressed to each peer in the list of peers.

If the peer is already in the list the method call is ignored.

[Note: The notion of a list of peers can be readily extended to contain multicast addresses as well. This would enable hybrid multicast and multi-unicast RTP Sessions.]

peerAddress - The unicast address pair (RTP transport address, RTCP transport address) of the peer.
Throws: - This exception is thrown if the multicast group cannot be joined.



public void removePeer(SessionAddress peerAddress)
Removes a peer from the list of peers.

If the peer is not in the list the method call is ignored.

peerAddress - The unicast address pair (RTP transport address, RTCP transport address) of the peer.


public void removeAllPeers()
Removes all peers from the list of peers.


public java.util.Vector getPeers()
Gets the list of peers.

The list of current peers in the form of a Vector of SessionAddress objects.