Interface GlobalTransmissionStats

public interface GlobalTransmissionStats

Interface GlobalTransmissionStats--- encapsulates data transmission statistics as well as RTCP statistics prepared by the RTPSM for all its sending streams.

Method Summary
 int getBytesSent()
          The total number of bytes sent on the RTP session socket (RTP data only)
 int getLocalColls()
          The total number of local collisions as seen by the RTPSM
 int getRemoteColls()
          The total number of remote collisions as seen by the RTPPSM
 int getRTCPSent()
          The total number of RTCP packets sent out by the RTPSM.
 int getRTPSent()
          The total number of RTP packets transmitted on the RTP Session socket.
 int getTransmitFailed()
          The number of packets that failed to get transmitted for any reason.

Method Detail


public int getRTPSent()
The total number of RTP packets transmitted on the RTP Session socket.


public int getBytesSent()
The total number of bytes sent on the RTP session socket (RTP data only)


public int getRTCPSent()
The total number of RTCP packets sent out by the RTPSM.


public int getLocalColls()
The total number of local collisions as seen by the RTPSM


public int getRemoteColls()
The total number of remote collisions as seen by the RTPPSM


public int getTransmitFailed()
The number of packets that failed to get transmitted for any reason. This would include RTP and RTCP packets that failed to get transmitted.