
Interface Summary
BitRateControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for bit rate.
FormatControl The FormatControl interfaces is implemented by objects which supports format setting.
FrameGrabbingControl The FrameGrabbingControl is the interface to grab a still video frame from the video stream.
FramePositioningControl The FramePositioningControl is the interface to control precise positioning to a video frame for Players and Processors.
FrameProcessingControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for frame processing.
FrameRateControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for frame rate.
H261Control This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for H.261 video codec.
H263Control This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for H263 video codec.
KeyFrameControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for key frame interval.
MonitorControl Some capture devices or encoders may have a monitor to view/listen to the capture or encoding progress.
MpegAudioControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for MPEG audio.
PacketSizeControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for packet size.
PortControl The PortControl interface represents a control to access the input or output ports of a device.
QualityControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for quality.
SilenceSuppressionControl This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for silence suppression.
StreamWriterControl This interface is implemented by a Multiplexer or DataSink to enable controlling the number of bytes generated as output.
TrackControl The TrackControl interface is provided by the Processor to query, control and manipulate the data of individual media tracks.