Interface StreamWriterControl

All Superinterfaces:

public interface StreamWriterControl
extends Control

This interface is implemented by a Multiplexer or DataSink to enable controlling the number of bytes generated as output. For instance, if a QuickTime Multiplexer is generating a QuickTime file that's being written to disk, the application can use this control to restrict the size of the output file.

Method Summary
 long getStreamSize()
          Returns the number of bytes written to the stream so far.
 boolean setStreamSizeLimit(long numOfBytes)
          Sets a limit on the number of bytes that a stream writer can generate.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


public boolean setStreamSizeLimit(long numOfBytes)
Sets a limit on the number of bytes that a stream writer can generate. This value can be ignored or treated as an approximate limit by the object generating the stream.

true if the stream writer could succesfully set the stream size limit, false if the feature is not supported or the numOfBytes parameter is invalid.


public long getStreamSize()
Returns the number of bytes written to the stream so far. If unknown, it returns -1.