
public ostream & operator<<(ostream & stream, const IlcActivity & activity)
Definition file: ilsched/schedule.h
Include file: <ilsched/ilsched.h> <ilsched/timetabh.h>
 ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,
                      const IlcActivity& activity);
 ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,
                      const IlcAltResSet& resource);
 ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream,
                     const IlcAnyTimetable& table);
 ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,
                      const IlcIntervalList& bl);
 ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,
                     const IlcIntTimetable& table);
 ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,
                      const IlcResource& resource);
 ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,
                      const IlcSchedule& schedule);

This operator directs its output to an output stream (normally, standard output).

The operator uses the virtual member function display of an implementation class. For instance, the member function IlcScheduleI::display defines how the invoking instance of IlcSchedule is printed on the given output stream. To display a schedule, you simply write:

 solver.out() << schedule;

The class IloSolver is documented in the IBM ILOG Solver Reference Manual.


The operator is defined like this:

 ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const IlcSchedule
 schedule) {
   return stream;

The definition files for this operator include ilsched/altresh.h, ilsched/breaks.h, and ilsched/schedule.h.

See Also: