
public IloSchedulerLargeNHood IloIntersectNHood(IloEnv env, IloSchedulerLargeNHood nhood1, IloSchedulerLargeNHood nhood2, const char * name=0)
Definition file: ilsched/ilolnsgoals.h
Include file: <ilsched/iloscheduler.h>

This function creates a composed large neighborhood. The neighborhood formed is the intersection of the neighborhood of nhood1 and nhood2.

The size of the neighborhood is the product of sizes of nhood1 and nhood2.

The set of selected extractables of the intersection for index i is the intersection of the sets of selected extractables for index i1 for neighborhood nhood1 and for index i2 for neighborhood nhood2 such that i = i1*size(n2) + i2.

For any extractable, it will be restored if either nhood1 or nhood2 specify that it must be restored.

See Large Neighborhoods and the Selectors concept in the IBM ILOG Solver Reference Manual for more information.