Class IloSchedulerLargeNHood

Definition file: ilsched/ilolnsgoals.h
Include file: <ilsched/iloscheduler.h>

This class represents a large neighborhood dedicated to scheduling problems.

The current solution is an instance of IloSchedulerSolution.

A set of activity predicates is used to specify if the start, the end, the duration, the processing time, and the external variables of an activity should be restored.

Similarly, a set of predicates can be used to specify if the next, the prev, the direct successors, the direct predecessors, the teardown, and the setup of a resource constraint should be restored.

The virtual member function defineRestoreInfo is available with a specialized signature for activity and resource constraints.

The virtual member function finalizeDelta has been overloaded: it removes from the current solution any link of the types next / prev / direct successors / direct predecessors between a resource constraint that is selected and a resource constraint that is not selected.

See Large Neighborhoods and the Selectors concept in the IBM ILOG Solver Reference Manual for more information.

See Also:

Method Summary
public voiddefineRestoreInfo(IloSolver, IloSolution)
public IloSolutiondefineSelected(IloSolver, IloInt index)
public voidfinalizeDelta(IloSolver, IloSolution)
public IloSchedulerSolutiongetCurrentSolution() const
public IloPredicate< IloActivity >getRestoreActivityDurationPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloActivity >getRestoreActivityEndPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloActivity >getRestoreActivityExternalPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloActivity >getRestoreActivityProcessingTimePredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloActivity >getRestoreActivityStartPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloExtractable >getRestoreExtractablePredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCCapacityPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCDirectPredecessorPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCDirectSuccessorPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCNextPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCPrevPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCSelectedPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCSetupPredicate() const
public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint >getRestoreRCTeardownPredicate() const
public IloBoolisSelected(IloExtractable ext) const
public voidsetRestoreActivityDurationPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreActivityEndPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreActivityExternalPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreActivityProcessingTimePredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreActivityStartPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreExtractablePredicate(IloPredicate< IloExtractable > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCCapacityPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCDirectPredecessorPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCDirectSuccessorPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCNextPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCPrevPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCSelectedPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCSetupPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
public voidsetRestoreRCTeardownPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)
Method Detail


public void defineRestoreInfo(IloSolver, IloSolution)

This virtual member function iterates on all extractables and appplies on each extractable the predicate to specify if it must be restored from the current solution.


public IloSolution defineSelected(IloSolver, IloInt index)

This pure virtual member function returns the set of decision variables, or instances of IloExtractable, on which to focus the search.


public void finalizeDelta(IloSolver, IloSolution)

This virtual member function is called to complete the definition of the neighborhood.


public IloSchedulerSolution getCurrentSolution() const

This member function returns the current solution, which is the one registered by the virtual member function start.


public IloPredicate< IloActivity > getRestoreActivityDurationPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the duration of an activity in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloActivity > getRestoreActivityEndPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the end of an activity in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloActivity > getRestoreActivityExternalPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the external variable of an activity in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloActivity > getRestoreActivityProcessingTimePredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the processing time of an activity in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloActivity > getRestoreActivityStartPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the end of an activity in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloExtractable > getRestoreExtractablePredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify which extractables to restore from the current solution.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCCapacityPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the capacity of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCDirectPredecessorPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the direct predecessors of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCDirectSuccessorPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the direct successors of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCNextPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the next (resource constraint) of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCPrevPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the prev (previous resource constraint) of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCSelectedPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the resource selected of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCSetupPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the setup of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > getRestoreRCTeardownPredicate() const

This member function returns the predicate used to specify if the teardown of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored.


public IloBool isSelected(IloExtractable ext) const

This member function returns IloTrue if the extractable is selected. Otherwise, it returns IloFalse.


public void setRestoreActivityDurationPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the duration of an activity in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreActivityEndPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the end of an activity in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreActivityExternalPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the external variable of an activity in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreActivityProcessingTimePredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the processing time of an activity in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreActivityStartPredicate(IloPredicate< IloActivity > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the start of an activity in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreExtractablePredicate(IloPredicate< IloExtractable > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify which extractables to restore from the current solution. When applied, the predicate receives the neighborhood as an argument.


public void setRestoreRCCapacityPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the capacity of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCDirectPredecessorPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the direct predecessors of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCDirectSuccessorPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the direct successors of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCNextPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the next (resource constraint) of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCPrevPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member sets the predicate used to specify if the prev (previous resource constraint) of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCSelectedPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the resource selected of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCSetupPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the setup of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.


public void setRestoreRCTeardownPredicate(IloPredicate< IloResourceConstraint > predicate)

This member function sets the predicate used to specify if the teardown of a resource constraint in the current solution must be restored. An exception is raised if the predicate is an empty handle.

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