am assistant professor (ricercatore) in
computing at DEIS,
Università di Bologna. I am working on a project
funded by the EU (SOCS),
about logic based multi-agent systems. My
research interests are:
autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
computational logics, logic programming,
negotiation, dialogue, argumentation, and
resource exchange
social aspects of multi-agent systems and
semantics of agent communication
personal interests, other than research, are
music and photography.
curriculum vitae
Personal Information
Name and Surname: Paolo Torroni
Date and place of birth: 4 March 1973, Bologna,
Current position: research fellow at
DEIS, Università degli Studi di Bologna
Place of residence: Bologna, Italy
Citizenship: Italian
Civil status: married
(since January 29, 2005)
2002: PhD (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Electronic
and Computer Science Engineering at DEIS:
"Reasoning and interaction in logic-based
multi-agent systems". Supervisors: Prof. M.
Boari and Prof. P. Mello
1998: MEng (Diploma di Laurea) in Computer
Science Engineering: "Contract Net Protocol per
la pianificazione in sistemi robotici".
Supervisors: Prof. D. Maio and Prof. S. Rizzi
abroad ( more than 4 weeks )
2003: 2 months at the University of Uppsala,
Department of Information Science, as an
academic visitor
3 months at Imperial College, Department of
Computing, within the SOCS project, as an
academic visitor
2000-2001: 6 months at Imperial College,
Department of Computing, as an occasional PhD
1995-1996: 1 year at Universidade Técnica de
Lisboa, Istituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, as an
Erasmus student (undergraduate student).
2002: CP-AI-OR school on Optimization, Le
2000: International School on Computational
Logics, Maratea.
1999: First European Agent Systems Summer
School, Utrecht.
2004: Introduzione ai sistemi multi-agente
basati su logica computazionale. Tutorial at the
19th Annual Meeting of the Italian Association
of Researchers and Users of Logic Programming,
"Associazione Italiana Gruppo Ricercatori e
Utenti di Logic Programming" (GULP),
Parma, June 16, 2004.
2003: An Introduction to Logic-Based Multi-Agent
Systems. Tutorial at the 8th Italian Congress on
Artificial Intelligence, AI*IA,
Pisa, September 23, 2003.
and past activities
Organizing activity:
the International Workshop on Computational
Logic in Multi-Agent Systems. Member of
the Steering Committee. Co-organizer of CLIMA
V (2004), together with J. Leite, and
co-organizer of CLIMA VI (2005) together
with F. Toni.
the International Workshop on Declarative
Agent Languages and Technologies.
Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee.
Co-organizer of DALT 2003, together with
J. Leite, A. Omicini, and L. Sterling, of DALT
2004, together with J. Leite, A. Omicini,
and P. Yolum, and of DALT 2005, together
with M. Baldoni, U. Endriss, and A. Omicini.
Gruppo Ricercatori e Utenti di Logic
Programming. Member of the Managing
Committee (from December 2003).
1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Bologna,
Italy, July 15-19, 2002. Member of the local
organization committee.
Program Committee membership:
ECAI 2006,
Seventeenth European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Riva del Garda, Italy,
August 27 - September 1, 2006.
2006, Tenth European Conference on
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Liverpool,
UK, September 13-15, 2006.
COMMA 2006,
First International Conference on
Computational Models of Argument, Liverpool,
UK, September 11-12, 2006.
2006, Convegno
Italiano di Logica Computazionale.
Ventunesimo incontro annuale della "Associazione
Italiana Gruppo Ricercatori e Utenti di Logic
Programming" (GULP). Bari, 26-27 Giugno 2006.
2006, Fifth International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems. Hakodate, Japan, May
8-12, 2006.
2006, Fourth International Workshop on
Programming Multi-Agent Systems: Languages and
Architectures, in conjunction with AAMAS.
2006, Third International Workshop on
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, in
conjunction with AAMAS.
2006, First International Workshop on
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, from Theory to
Application, in conjunction with CANADIAN
AI-2006, Québec City, Québec, Canada.
Reviewer of IJCAI'05,
Nineteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh,
Scotland, July 30 - August 5, 2005.
2005, Convegno
Italiano di Logica Computazionale.
Ventesimo incontro annuale della "Associazione
Italiana Gruppo Ricercatori e Utenti di Logic
Programming" (GULP). Roma, 21-22 Giugno 2005.
AAMAS 2005,
Fourth International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25-29, 2005.
2005, Third International Workshop on
Programming Multi-Agent Systems: Languages and
Architectures, in conjunction with AAMAS.
2005, Second International Workshop on
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, in
conjunction with AAMAS.
di lavoro dell'AI*IA su Rappresentazione della
Conoscenza e Ragionamento Automatico.
Ferrara, 10 Giugno 2005.
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent
Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December
16-17, 2004.
2004, Ninth European Conference on
Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Lisbon,
Portugal, September 27-30, 2004.
2004, Workshop on Conceptual Modelling
for Agents. Shangai, China, November 8-12,
2004, Third International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems. NYC, July 19-23,
2004, Second International Workshop on
Programming Multi-Agent Systems: Languages and
Architectures, in conjunction with AAMAS.
2004, First International Workshop on
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, in
conjunction with AAMAS.
IV, Fourth International Workshop on
Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Jan 6-7, 2004. In
conjunction with LPNMR and AI-Math
EUMAS'03, First
European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Oxford,
UK, September 18-19, 2003.
Second International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Melbourne, Australia, July 14-18, 2003.
Third International Workshop on Computational
Logic in Multi-Agent Systems. Copenhagen,
Denmark, August 1st, 2001. In conjunction with
WET ICE'00, IEEE Ninth International
Workshops on Enabling Technologies:
Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises.
Maryland, USA, June 14-16, 2000.
Refereeing activity: Artificial Intelligence,
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research,
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Argument
and Computation, Annals of Mathematics
and Artificial Intelligence, Journal of
Intelligent Systems, Applied Artificial
Intelligence, ESWC 2013 PhD Symposium, AIME
2011, ECAI 2004, ICLP 2004, ICLP 2003, AI*IA
2003, ICTCS 2003, SAC 2003, ICLP 2002, AAMAS
2002, AI*IA 2001, MAAMAW 2001, SAC 2000, ESAW
2000, AGP 2000
In 2004, by decree of the Rector of the
University of Bologna, Prof. Pier Ugo Calzolari,
I qualified as assistant professor
(ricercatore), through public competition,
within settore scientifico-disciplinare
ING-INF/05, "Sistemi di elaborazione delle
informazioni" (Computing).
2002-2005: research grant (assegno di ricerca)
by the University of Bologna and the Europear
Union: "Un modello logico computazionale per la
descrizione, analisi e verifica di società
aperte e globali di agenti logici eterogenei".
Tutor: Prof. M. Boari
2001-2002: resarch grant (assegno di ricerca) by
the University of Bologna: "Realizzazione di
architetture multi-agente per la pianificazione
in sistemi distribuiti". Tutor: Prof. P. Mello
1998-2001: PhD scholarship (borsa di dottorato)
in Computer Science Engineering by the
University of Bologna (DEIS, Corso di dottorato
in Ingegneria Elettronica ed Informatica, XIV
ciclo): "Agenti intelligenti: interazione e
acquisizione di conoscenza". Supervisors: Tutor:
Prof. M. Boari
Current and past projects
2004-2005: MIUR 40% project on "Sviluppo
e verifica di sistemi multi-agente basati
sulla logica", coordinator A. Martelli.
2002-2004: SOCS
project, funded by EU, IST, 5th framework
programme, on "Societies Of ComputeeS: a
computational logical model for the description,
analysis and verification of global and open
societies of heterogeneous computees",
coordinator F. Toni.
1998-2000: MURST 40% project on "Agenti
Intelligenti: Interazione e Acquisizione di
conoscenza" (Intelligent Agents:
Interaction and Knowledge Acquisition),
coordinator F. Turini.
1996-1998: MURST 40% project on "Rappresentazione
della conoscenza e meccanismi di ragionamento",
coordinator A. Martelli.
Prizes and awards
2001: ATAL best paper award
2004: Laboratorio di Informatica L-A, prof. S.
Contadini (Bologna): teaching assistant
from 2002 on: Sistemi Operativi, prof. M. Boari
(modulo teledidattico): tutor
from 2001 on: Sistemi Operativi, prof. A.
Ciampolini (Bologna): teaching assistant
2000: Sistemi Operativi Sistemi Aperti, prof. M.
Boari (modulo teledidattico): tutor
1999: Fondamenti di Informatica 1, prof. A.
Ciampolini (Cesena) and Fondamenti di
Informativa A, prof. A. Omicini (Bologna):
teaching assistant
language skills
Italian, native speaker.
English and Portuguese, fluent.
French, German, Spanish, and Turkish, working
Dr. Paolo Torroni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Elettronica e
Laboratorio di Informatica Avanzata
Università di Bologna
V.le Risorgimento, 2
40136 BOLOGNA, Italy
office: +39 051 209 3767
fax: +39 051 209 3073