DEIS - Università di Bologna - L I A - Laboratorio d'Informatica Avanzata

Logic Languages

Parallel and Distributed Implementations of Logic Programming Languages
Modular Logic Languages: Semantics, Implementation, Optimisation

Parallel and Distributed Implementations of Logic Programming Languages

General Description
The aim of this research is to provide parallel and distributed implementation of logic programming languages, both on massively parallel architectures and network of workstations. In particular, the focus is on logic programming languages where processes synchronization is obtained through multi-head clauses rather than streams. The resulting computational model is, in fact, more suitable for distribution. Then, the implementation of a logic language with multi-head clauses on a Transputer-based architecture has been proposed and discussed, and its porting on a network of Unix workstations is in progress. In order to improve the unification mechanism in the distributed implementation of logic programming languages, the basic abstract machine for Prolog (the WAM) has been extended with new instructions, where the level of copying of data structures can be specified at compile time. Thus, when static analysis techniques are applied, the optimal level of copying can be determined for each data structure handled by the program. This level of copying can be also influenced from the features of the underlying architecture (e.g., time for the sending of a message, etc.).

The distributed implementation of logic agents grounded both on the blackboard and the object-oriented model has been also discussed.

Funded by
  • 1992-94: CNR Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo, Subproject 4 New Programming Languages
  • MURST 40%

Modular Logic Languages: Semantics, Implementation, Optimisation

General Description
The aim of this research is to define and implement modular logic languages, where module composition is achieved both by means of algebraic meta-operators, and by extending logic languages through implication goals. A formal semantics for such languages has been defined, and their implementation has been discussed, focussing on the WAM (Warren Abstract Machine) extension technique. A working implementation of an extended Contextual Logic Programming system has been built, allowing new implementation techniques to be experimented and compared. Optimisation methods for modular languages have been studied and experimented, exploiting in particular partial evaluation, as well as static analysis techniques.

Funded by
  • 1992-1994: Italian CNR Applied Project "Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo", Subproject 4 New Programming Languages
  • MURST 40%
  • MURST 60%
  • Italian CNR Special Project "Analisi e trasformazione di programmmi"
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