Package javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters

XmlAdapter and its spec-defined sub-classes to allow arbitrary Java classes to be used with JAXB.


Class Summary
CollapsedStringAdapter Built-in XmlAdapter to handle xs:token and its derived types.
HexBinaryAdapter XmlAdapter for xs:hexBinary.
NormalizedStringAdapter XmlAdapter to handle xs:normalizedString.
XmlAdapter<ValueType,BoundType> Adapts a Java type for custom marshaling.
XmlJavaTypeAdapter.DEFAULT Used in XmlJavaTypeAdapter.type() to signal that the type be inferred from the signature of the field, property, parameter or the class.

Annotation Types Summary
XmlJavaTypeAdapter Use an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.
XmlJavaTypeAdapters A container for multiple @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotations.

Package javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters Description

XmlAdapter and its spec-defined sub-classes to allow arbitrary Java classes to be used with JAXB.

Package Specification

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