
public IloGoal IloSequenceForward(const IloEnv env, const IloUnaryResource uRes)
public IloGoal IloSequenceForward(const IloEnv env, const IloNumVar criterion, IloResourceSelector rSel=IloSelResMinGlobalSlack)
public IloGoal IloSequenceForward(const IloEnv env, IloResourceSelector rSel=IloSelResMinGlobalSlack)
public IloGoal IloSequenceForward(const IloEnv env, const IloNumVar criterion, const IloTransitionParam param, IloSequenceIndexSelector iSel=IloSelNextRCMinCostEndMax, IloResourceSelector rSel=IloSelResMinGlobalSlack)
public IloGoal IloSequenceForward(const IloEnv env, const IloUnaryResource uRes, const IloTransitionParam param, IloSequenceIndexSelector iSel=IloSelNextRCMinCostEndMax)
public IloGoal IloSequenceForward(const IloEnv env, const IloTransitionParam param, IloSequenceIndexSelector iSel=IloSelNextRCMinCostEndMax, IloResourceSelector rSel=IloSelResMinGlobalSlack)
Definition file: ilsched/iloschedgoals.h
Include file: <ilsched/iloscheduler.h>

These functions return instances of IloGoal that sequence instances of IloUnaryResource from their setup activity to their teardown activity (sequencing forward). The involved resources must be instances of IloUnaryResource, and they must not be kept open.

When the argument uRes is given, the function returns an instance of IloGoal that sequences uRes. When there is no resource argument, all the unary resources of the model that are not to be kept open are successively sequenced according to the unary resource selector argument rSel. By default, the resource selector is IloSelResSequenceMinGlobalSlack. Unary resources that are to be kept open during the search will not be sequenced.

The selector iSel, a value from the enumeration IloSequenceIndexSelector, selects a possible value for the next resource constraint of each resource constraint. The default selector is IloSelNextRCMinCostEndMax.

When the argument criterion is used, the goal also assigns it to its smallest consistent value after the sequencing has been completed.

When an IloSequenceIndexSelector is used, the estimation of the cost will be determined by the IloTransitionParam parameter passed to the constructor. The default value for such an index selector is IloSelNextRCMinCost.

See Also: