
public IloTranslator< IlcResource, IlcResourceConstraint > IlcResourceResourceConstraintTranslator(IloEnv)
Definition file: ilsched/selector.h
Include file: <ilsched/ilsched.h>

This function returns a translator which implements a function (IloTranslator::operator) that, when given a resource constraint, returns the resource of this resource constraint. It is useful for transforming resource predicates/selectors into the corresponding resource constraints predicates/selectors.

This functions exists with either an IloEnv or an IloSolver as argument.


public IloTranslator< IlcResource, IlcResourceConstraint > IlcResourceResourceConstraintTranslator(IlcManager)
Definition file: ilsched/selector.h
Include file: <ilsched/ilsched.h>

This function returns a translator which implements a function (IloTranslator::operator) that, when given a resource constraint, returns the resource of this resource constraint. It is useful for transforming resource predicates/selectors into the corresponding resource constraints predicates/selectors.

This functions exists with either an IloEnv or an IloSolver as argument.