Class IlcTransitionTimeObject

Definition file: ilsched/schedule.h
Include file: <ilsched/ilsched.h>

An instance of the class IlcTransitionTimeObject can be passed to the constructors of the classes IlcUnaryResource and IlcStateResource. It then defines which transition time function will be used for the resource being constructed.

The simplest way to define a transition time object is to use the macro IlcTransitionTime.

A more general way to define a transition time object is to define a new class of transition time objects. An instance of IlcTransitionTimeObject uses the virtual member function IlcTransitionTimeObjectI::getTransitionTime to define a transition time function. For an example of this, refer to IlcTransitionTimeObjectI.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
public IlcTransitionTimeObject(const IlcTransitionTimeObject & ttobj)
public IlcTransitionTimeObject(IlcTransitionTimeObjectI * impl)
Method Summary
public IlcTransitionTimeObjectI *getImpl() const
public voidoperator=(const IlcTransitionTimeObject & ttobj)
Constructor Detail


public IlcTransitionTimeObject(const IlcTransitionTimeObject & ttobj)

This copy constructor creates a transition time object by copying another one. After execution of this constructor, both the newly created object and ttobj point to the same implementation object. C++ relies on this constructor when you pass a transition time object as an argument to a function.


public IlcTransitionTimeObject(IlcTransitionTimeObjectI * impl)

This constructor creates an instance of the handle class IlcTransitionTimeObject from the pointer to an instance of its implementation class IlcTransitionTimeObjectI.

Method Detail


public IlcTransitionTimeObjectI * getImpl() const

This member function returns a pointer to the implementation object associated with the invoking transition time object.


public void operator=(const IlcTransitionTimeObject & ttobj)

This operator assigns an address to the handle pointer of the invoking object. That address is the location of the implementation object of the argument ttobj. After the execution of this operator, the invoking object and the ttobj object both point to the same implementation object. A transition time object must be assigned before it can be used; this assignment operator is useful for that purpose.

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