About me
I am currently a Ph. D. Student at DEIS, Università
di Bologna. I am working on a project funded by the EU (SOCS),
about logic based multi-agent systems. My research interestes
autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
computational logics, logic programming, abduction
social aspects of multi-agent systems and semantics of agent
interaction protocols definition languages, properties of such languages
Recommendation Systems
personal interests, other than research, are music, mountain (summer and winter), scuba diving and reading.
Short curriclum
Personal Information
Name and Surname: Federico Chesani
Date and place of birth: 6 June 1975, Bologna, Italy
Current position: Ph. D. Student at DEIS,
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Place of residence: Bologna, Italy
Citizenship: Italian
Civil status: single
2002: MEng (Diploma di Laurea) in Computer Science Engineering: "Un Sistema che Integra Tecniche Basate sul Contenuto e sulla Collaborazione fra Utenti per la Generazione Automatica di Suggerimenti nellAccesso allInformazione". Supervisors: Prof. P. Mello and Dr. Y. Faihe
abroad ( more than 4 weeks )
10 months at Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, as a graduating student
2004: BISS2004, Bertinoro, Italy.
2004-2006: PhD scholarship (borsa di dottorato) in Computer
Science Engineering by the University of Bologna (DEIS, Corso
di dottorato in Ingegneria Elettronica ed Informatica, XVIII
ciclo): " Formalizzazione ed esecuzione di protocolli di interazione ". Supervisors: Prof. P. Mello, Ing. P. Torroni.
Current and past projects
2004-2005: MIUR 40% project on "Sviluppo
e verifica di sistemi nulti-agente basati sulla logica",
coordinator A. Martelli.
2002-2004: SOCS
project, funded by EU, IST, 5th framework programme, on "Societies
Of ComputeeS: a computational logical model for the description,
analysis and verification of global and open societies of
heterogeneous computees", coordinator F. Toni.
academic year 2003-2004: Fondamenti di Intelligenza Artificiale, prof. P. Mello, as a teaching assistant
academic year 2003-2004: Fondamenti di Informatica LA, prof. P. Mello and prof. P. Bellavista, as a tutor
academic year 2002-2003: Fondamenti di Informatica LA, prof. M. Milano,
as a tutor
language skills
Italian, native speaker.
English, fluent.
Ing. Federico Chesani
Dipartimento di Informatica, Elettronica e Sistemistica
Laboratorio di Informatica Avanzata
Università di Bologna
V.le Risorgimento, 2
40136 BOLOGNA, Italy
office: +39 051 209 3086
FAX: +39 051 209 3073