SCIFF Editor
The SCIFF editor provides a convenient IDE to work with SCIFF programs. The editor is an Eclipse plugin.
- SCIFF Editor version 1.1: includes a graphical visualization of SCIFF output, based on the Graphviz visualization software
- SCIFF-graph manuale utente, for version 1.1 (Installation and user's manual, in Italian).
- SCIFF Editor version 1.0
To use the editor:
- Download Eclipse and unzip it in a directory.
- Download the SCIFF Plugin (either ver 1.0 or ver 1.1) and unzip it in the plugins subdirectory of the Eclipse directory.
- Open the file in the directory where you installed SCIFF with a text editor. Modify the path, pointing to where you will insert your projects.
- Run Eclipse (the first usage, use 'eclipse -clean'). It will ask you to define a workspace directory. Insert the path of the directory you entered in the file
- in Eclipse, select the menu "Window"-->"Preferences..." --> "SCIFF", and set the path for SICStus, SCIFF and SOCS-SI
More documentation:
- Christian Cantelmo BSc thesis (in Italian), describes the SCIFF editor 1.0
- Andrea Peano BSc thesis (in Italian), describes the SCIFF-graph visualizer and SCIFF editor 1.1