
Project Meetings
The project will have quarterly full participant meetings. These meetings will be used to disseminate technical progress through presentation of results and peer review, co-ordinate and cohere project planning, and allow serendipitous discovery of new perspectives and ways of making progress through member interaction. Meetings of the RMB and PMB will be convened at full participant meetings: this does not rule out interim meetings of workpackages or extraordinary meetings of either Board if demanded by circumstance.

Click on the blue balls to access information and links about the project meetings and related events.


Kick-off meeting, Pisa, 8-9 January 2002

3 months meeting, Imperial College, 18-19 April 2002

GC event (only project coordinators) Malaga, 11 July 2002, together with ICALP'02

6 months meeting, Bologna, together with AAMAS'02, 15-16 July 2002

9 months meeting, Pisa, 26-29 September 2002


pre-review meeting, Pisa, 7 January 2003

GC cluster meeting, Cyprus, 30 January - 4 February 2003

2nd Interim Meeting, City University, 7-9 April 2003

3rd Interim Meeting, University of Ferrara, 15-19 September 2003

4th Interim Meeting, University of Pisa, 20-22 November 2003

Implementation Meeting, University of Bologna, 10 December 2003


Pre-review meeting, Pisa, March 1, 2004

GC second review and workshop, Trento, March 8-12, 2004

3rd Year 1st Interim meeting, Bologna, March 24-26, 2004

3rd Year 2nd Interim meeting, Pisa, September 2004


3rd Year Ext. 1st Interim meeting, Imperial College, January 17-18, 2005

GC third review and workshop, Edinburgh, April 4, 2005

SOCS dissemination workshop, in conjunction with CLIMA VI, City University, June 27-29, 2005


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page maintained by Paolo Torroni