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Workshop on Argumentation and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (ArgNMR)
in conjunction with the Ninth International Conference on
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR-07)
Tempe, Arizona May 14 -16 2007
(The exact date for the workshop has not yet been decided.)
= Aims and Scope =
Research on Argumentation and Nonmonotonic Reasoning began in full force
in the early eighties. The first attempts showed how argumentation results
in a very natural way of conceptualizing Commonsense Reasoning,
appropriately reflecting its defeasible nature. Further work in the KR&R
community has shown that argumentation provides a useful perspective for
relating different nonmonotonic formalisms. More recently, argumentation
has been revealed as a powerful conceptual tool for exploring the
theoretical foundations of reasoning and interaction in Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems.
This workshop will represent an opportunity for exchanging ideas on the
fundamental theoretical basis and the design and implementation of
argument-based systems including semantics, proof theory, applications to
epistemic and practical reasoning, and the comparison of those systems
with other types of nonmonotonic reasoning.
= Topics =
We solicit unpublished papers that present work on argumentation and
nonmonotonic reasoning. We will privilege articles who emphasize
connections between them. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to,
the following:
-> argumentation theories and logical foundations
-> argumentation and logic programming
-> formal models of argument
-> semantics of argumentation
-> operational semantics and execution models of argumentation systems
-> argumentation and commonsense reasoning
-> argumentation for practical reasoning and deliberation
-> argumentation tools and applications
-> argumentation for reasoning in multiagent systems
-> argumentation dialogues in multiagent systems
-> nonmonotonic reasoning in multiagent systems
-> argumentation for legal reasoning
-> argumentation and nonmonotonic reasoning in the semantic web
-> implementations of argumentation systems
= Important Dates =
-> Submission: 8 February 2007
-> Notification: 12 March 2007
-> Camera-ready: 29 March 2007
-> ArgNMR: 14-16 May 2007 (one day)
= Submissions =
We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers,
which have not been accepted for publication nor are currently under
review for another journal or conference. Papers should be written in
English, formatted according to the Springer LNCS style
(http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/Authors.html), and they should not
exceed sixteen (16) pages including title page, figures, references, etc.
= Proceedings and post-workshop publications =
A printed volume with the proceedings will be available at the workshop.
The proceedings of ArgNMR are also planned to form the basis for
publishing a post-workshop volume, and/or a special issue of an
international journal, subject to appropriate quality.
= Programme Committee =
-> Leila Amgoud, IRIT-CNRS Toulouse, France
-> Grigoris Antoniou, FORTH-ICS, Greece
-> Pietro Baroni, U Brescia, Italy
-> Trevor J. Bench-Capon, U Liverpool, United Kingdom
-> Carlos Iván Chesńevar, U Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
-> Jürgen Dix, TU Clausthal, Germany
-> Phan Minh Dung, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
-> Lluis Godo, IIIA-CSIC, Spain
-> Anthony Hunter, U College London, United Kingdom
-> Antonis C. Kakas, U Cyprus
-> Gabriele Kern-Isberner, U Dortmund, Germany
-> Nicolas Maudet, U Paris-Dauphine, France
-> Peter McBurney, U Liverpool, United Kingdom
-> Donald Nute, U. Georgia, Athens, GE, United States
-> Henry Prakken, U Utrecht, The Netherlands
-> Iyad Rahwan, British U Dubai, UAE & U Edinburgh, United Kingdom
-> Cao Tran Son, New Mexico State U, NM, United States
-> Francesca Toni, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
= Organization =
-> Guillermo R. Simari, U. Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
-> Paolo Torroni, U. Bologna, Italy