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University of Bologna
Engineering College
DEIS (CS Department)
The SOMA platform
The MUM middleware
The IHMAS infrastructure
The SALES middleware
The LEM middleware
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Research Activity

I am a Research Fellow in Computer Engineering at DEIS (Dipartimento di Elettronica Informatica e Sistemistica) at the University of Bologna.

I work in the field of Distributed Systems and Computer Networks.

My interests

My current research activity is mainly focused on:

  • Mobile Computing
  • Middleware for Multimedia Streaming (see the MUM and the LEM home pages)
  • Session Management and Standardization Technologies for Next Generation Networks (see IHMAS and SAIR home pages)
  • Context-aware Middleware for Context Data Dissemination in Mobile Environemnts (see the SALES and the RECOWER home pages)
  • Middleware for Integration and Management of WSN and other Mobile Wireless Networks (see the WHOO home page)
  • Platforms for service and mobile apps recommendation (see the SAIR home page)
  • Cloud Computing and Management of Cloud Systems
  • Reliable and Scalable Data Distribution in Internet-scale Environments (see the REVENGE home page)
  • Mobile Agents (see the SOMA home page)

Other areas of interest are:

  • Message Oriented and Data Distribution Middleware (see the REVENGE home page)
  • Object Oriented and Component Based Distributed Architectures (CORBA, EJB, DCOM)


I'm currently involved in the following research projects:

  • MIUR Negotiated Project FIRB, Strategic Program Enabling Technologies for the Information Society - Objective 2: Networks and Net-computing, "WEB-MINDS: Middleware for Advanced Services over Large-Scale Wired-Wireless Systems", Coordinator Prof. Giovanni Chiola (2003-2005).
  • CNR Strategic Project, Funding Area: Enabling Software Platforms for Complex Distributed Objects, "IS-MANET: Middleware for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and their Applications", Coordinator Prof. Carlo Ghezzi (2003-2005).

Conference and Workshop Organization Activities


I'm currently collaborating with the followign research groups:

Ph.D. Thesis

Luca Foschini: Support Infrastructures for Multimedia Services with Guaranteed Continuity and QoS. Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy, April 2007.
[pdf Ph.D. thesis @ lia]


  • Luca Foschini: IMS-based Middleware Solutions for Advanced Management of Mobile Multimedia Services, May 2009.
    [pdf slides]



Last updated Feb. 2011 

©Copyright 2011
Luca Foschini