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The QoS Adaptation module is commanded
by the QoS manager with the goal to maintain the negotiated QoS point.
Adaptation exploits JMF
de/multiplexers, codecs and renderers, together with a set of Java-based transcoding
components developed within the ubiQoS project. For instance, we have designed
and implemented a family of ad-hoc codecs to convert
several VoD input formats into MPEG flows with quality parameters specified
at runtime. In addition, the module maintains buffers
for current VoD flows to respond timely to incoming client requests in its locality
and to pre-fetch the transcoding of served flows when needed. For any VoD flow,
the adaptation module locally stores the version received with the best QoS
according to the local cost function.
Discovery and directory provide different
naming solutions suitable for achieving different goals. They differ in visibility
scope (respectively, local vs. global), flexibility (rigidly
predefined and simple structure vs. flexible content and organization), and
performance (limited low-level efficient protocols vs. complete
high-level searching/registering operations), and their differences motivate
their integration in ubiQoS. LDAP-compliant
directory servers store globally accessible information such as CC/PP
user/terminal profiles. Jini-based
discovery lookup servers permit to access the subset of VoD contents and
ubiQoS elements (client/server proxies, components and gateways) available in
any single domain locality. ubiQoS gateways implement both
directory and discovery server-side operations. Profiles are only partially
replicated on any gateway, and requests for non-locally profiles are forwarded
to neighbor gateways. The discovery lookup also runs within the ubiQoS gateway,
but discovery clients in the locality do not need to be aware
of its location. Other ubiQoS components only implement
lightweight client functionality and interrogate the modules
for discovery and directory of the ubiQoS gateway in their locality. For fault-tolerance
sake, they are automatically redirected to secondary gateways in neighbor
domains in case of primary gateway failure.
The ubiQoS middleware is implemented in terms of Java-based SOMA agents and exploits the SOMA modular set of APIs to support mobility, communication, naming, monitoring, security, and interoperability.
A peculiar aspect of
ubiQoS is the possibility to exploit the code/state migration
typical of the Mobile Agent programming paradigm to improve the
dynamic determination of the active
path from client to server and to re-arrange it at service
provisioning time in response to variations in available network resources.
In particular, state migration permits to build path segments
depending on the QoS requirements and resource availability emerged in previously
established sub-paths.
For a detailed description of active
path determination in ubiQoS, follow
this link....
results and performance evaluations of the ubiQoS
middleware follow the link...
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