Replica Degree Maintenance Protocol Accuracy

This page presents experimental results about RDM network accuracy. In this case accuracy means the effectiveness of the protocol in maintaining the required replication degree during the simulation time. The following results are obtained by distributing 5 copies of 4 different resources within the dense MANET. Figure 1 reports the trend of the percentage of replicas (with respect to the 20 initially disseminated) present within the dense MANET during 7200s simulations in the 400 nodes scenario for 1m/s and 4m/s nodes speed. Figure 2 reports the same results for the 700 nodes scenario. As we can see, REDMAN is quite accurate and maintains within the network a high number of replicas (always over 70%). Nodes speed slightly impacts on the REDMAN effectiveness. By comparing Figures 1 and 2, we can argue that REDMAN accuracy increases with the nodes number.
Figure 1: RDM accuracy for 400 nodes scenario.
Figure 2: RDM accuracy for 700 nodes scenario.