REDMAN Heuristic Criterion

To reduce the overhead due to a large number of reiterations of the manager election protocol, REDMAN exploits a heuristic approach that has experimentally demonstrated to reach high quality solutions, close to the optimal choice of the manager.
To improve the flexibility and adaptability of the REDMAN election strategy to the peculiar characteristics of the dense MANET where it is deployed, REDMAN provides two tuning parameters that enable dense MANET administrators to trade between the quality of the manager election protocol and its performance.
The first parameter, DesiredAccuracy, permits the initiator to tune the approximation considered acceptable for the election solution already found (see Figure 4). The second parameter, MaxConsecutiveEqualSolutions, is introduced by observing that, when the REDMAN election protocol approaches the optimal solution, it often explores other candidate nodes without improving the current best IN value. For each explored solution equal to the current best, REDMAN increases a counter; the counter resets when REDMAN finds a new solution outperforming the old best. The adopted heuristic stops the protocol iterations when the counter reaches MaxConsecutiveEqualSolutions.