Single Agent/1-hop Diffusion

We investigate the regular node collection and agent harvesting processes. Without loss of generality, let us assume that new summaries are synchronously generated by all regular nodes, and call generation epoch, the moment when new summaries are generated. In this set of experiments, every regular node advertises the single summary it generated in the epoch t=0, during all simulation time. We remark that this assumption does not undermine the relevance of our results, since the process is stationary.
Next Figures show results collected for number of nodes N=100-300, average speed v=5-25, and RWP, MAN, and RT mobility models. Figures plot the cumulative distribution of summaries collected by regular nodes as a function of time. The figures show that this process highly depends on the average node speed v; in fact, v determines to a large extent how quickly nodes "infect" other participants with their own summaries.

Nex Figures plot the cumulative distribution of summaries harvested by the agent as a function of time. The plots show a speed effect motivated as pointed out previously.