QoS ManagementOverviewThe provisioning of multimedia data over the best-effort Internet still remains a challenging service scenario. Peer-to-peer file sharing applications such as Gnutella, Kazaa, Chord, and Pastry have addressed the issue of storing large amounts of (mainly multimedia) data in a largely decentralized way also trying to provide online content preview facilities for downloaded data, e.g. Kazaa. These solutions have further increased the widened interest in multimedia data sharing over the Internet, up to the current scenarios where these applications produce most Internet traffic. The problem is more complex for Video on Demand (VoD) streaming applications with near real-time requirements. In fact, high latency and loss rates of the best-effort Internet make it difficult to stream video without introducing large playback delays.
ArchitectureThe architecture following the MUM approach is layered in two levels, see MUM overview. At the mechanisms layer there are Resource Monitors and Brokers, at the facilities layer there is the Resource Manager that encapsulates monitoring strategies to emit at the application layer meaningful warnings about actual resource conditions. Finally, at the application layer, i.e. atop the facilities layer we developed the QoS Manager. More information about single components are given in the next section.Design and ImplementationDesignThe architecture is based on four main components:
All above issues motivated the introduction of Monitor components. These components get information about actual QoS conditions both by monitoring system resources and by gathering application specific QoS feedbacks. For instance, in a VoD service you may employ two system condition monitors to monitor actual bandwidth and CPU availability while use an application specific monitor to obtain a feedback about actual transmission condition by using specific application-level protocols such as RealTime Control Protocol (RTCP). There is one resource monitor per resource and per node, while one application monitor per application component. The Resource Manager combines node monitoring information and emits warnings to registered applications. There is one resource manager per node. The QoS manager combines resource manager warnings and application-dependent monitoring information, and triggers service reconfiguration when needed. Naturally this component is service specific and there is one QoS manager per service. Implementation HintsThe monitoring information are gathered by using standard solutions, e.g. we actually use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and RTP/RTCP to get resource usage and application level feedbacks by interrogating single nodes and the employed multimedia transmission library, i.e. Sun Java Media Framework (JMF).