A P P L I C A T I O N F O R M for the GULP Int'l Summer School on Advances in Logic Programming Alghero (Sardegna), June 24-29,1996 (Return to Gianfranco Rossi - gianfr@prmat2.math.unipr.it not later than April 20th, 1996) Surname: ...................... First Name: ...................... Affiliation: ......................... Position: ......................... Address: .......................................................... .................................................................. .................................................................. E-mail:.............................. Fax: ........................ Tel.: ......................... I would like to have a: [ ] single room [ ] double room Accompanying persons: No. .... I apply for a scholarship covering the participation fee: Yes No (applicants must include a curriculum vitae) I would like to sit for an exam at the GULP School: Yes No Date: .................... Signature: ............................