J2EE Examples Using the JMS API

This chapter provides examples that show how to use the JMS API within a J2EE application in the following ways:

The examples are in the following directory:


To build and run the examples, you will do the following:

  1. Use the asant tool to compile the example
  2. Use the Admin Console to create resources
  3. Use deploytool to package and deploy the example
  4. Use the appclient command to run the client

Each example has a build.xml file that refers to a targets.xml file and a build.properties file in the following directory:


The following directory contains previously built versions of each application:


If you run into difficulty at any time, you can open the appropriate EAR file in deploytool and compare that file to your own version.

See Chapter 28 for a simpler example of a J2EE application that uses the JMS API.