Current Writers

Web-Tier Technologies

Jennifer Ball is a staff writer at Sun Microsystems, where she documents JavaServer Faces technology. Previously she documented the Java2D API, deploytool, and JAXB. She holds an M.A. degree in Interdisciplinary Computer Science from Mills College.

Java API for XML-based RPC, Enterprise JavaBeans Technology

Ian Evans is a staff writer at Sun Microsystems, where he documents the J2EE and Java Web Services platforms and edits the J2EE platform specifications. In previous positions he documented programming tools, CORBA middleware, and Java application servers, and taught classes on UNIX, web programming, and server-side Java development.

Java API for XML Registries, SOAP with Attachments API for Java, Java Message Service API

Kim Haase is a staff writer with Sun Microsystems, where she documents the J2EE platform and Java Web Services. In previous positions she documented compilers, debuggers, and floating-point programming. She currently writes about the Java Message Service, the Java API for XML Registries, and SOAP with Attachments API for Java.


Debbie Carson is a staff writer with Sun Microsystems, where she documents the J2EE, J2SE, and Java Web Services platforms. In previous positions she documented creating database applications using C++ and Java technologies and creating distributed applications using Java technology.

Eric Jendrock is a staff writer with Sun Microsystems, where he documents the J2EE platform and Java Web Services. Previously, he documented middleware products and standards. Currently, he writes about the Java Web Services Developer Pack, the Java Architecture for XML Binding, and the J2EE platform and web security.

Past Writers

Eric Armstrong wrote about XML technologies.

Stephanie Bodoff wrote about web-tier technologies and the case studies.

Dale Green wrote about the JAX-RPC and Enterprise JavaBeans technologies.

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