Prof Anand Tripathi
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Universitą del Minnesota
Il giorno Lunedi' 19 Giugno alle ore 10 (Aula 5.5) il Prof. Anand Tripathi terrą un seminario sul tema:
"Mobile Agent Programming in Ajanta"
Mobile agents provide a new paradigm for building distributed applications. A mobile agent is an object capable of migrating autonomously from node to node, and performing some tasks on behalf of its owner. This paradigm raises several security issues related to the protection of host resources as well the data carried by an agent itself. A host is exposed to the risk of system intrusion attacks by malicious agents. On the other hand, agents may carry sensitive information about their users. Ajanta is a Java-based system for programming distributed applications using mobile agents. This talk presents an overview of the Ajanta system architecture, programming model, and its security mechanisms for protecting host servers and agents. The Ajanta programming environment provides facilities to define and create application-specific servers for hosting agents, and primitives for agent creation, migration and remote control. It supports agent migration based on itineraries composed from a set of basic migration patterns, which incorporate exception handling mechanisms. This talk describes several agent based distributed applications that we have implemented using this system. These include a middleware for file sharing over the Internet, a distributed calendar manager, and a collaborative authoring system. The Ajanta system is available for public use.
More information can found about this system at:
Anand Tripathi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1980. From 1981 through 1984 he was a Senior Principal Research Scientist at Honeywell Computer Science Center in Minneapolis. He joined the University of Minnesota in 1985. His research interests are in distributed systems, object- oriented systems, and fault-tolerant computing. The focus of his current activities is on middleware facilities for supporting robust and secure distributed applications using the mobile agent paradigm. He is a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Concurrency and he is also serving as the Editor for the Education Column of IEEE Concurrency. Currently he is a Guest Editor of a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering on current research directions and new paradigms in exception handling. From 1995-97 he served as the Program Director for the Computer Systems Software program in the Division of Computer and Computation Research at the National Science Foundation. He is also currently serving as an IEEE Distinguished Visitor.
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